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Everything posted by Robby

  1. look here http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyId=BF253CFD-1EFC-4FC5-BA7E-6A6F21403495&displaylang=en
  2. The way I see it, it discards many options (programming languages), what if you created a control or DLL in C or VB6, he can't/won't install it. ?? He's not giving you much as an alternative. Does he have the VB6 Run-times? (If that's the route you want to go.) If you really want to impress him and you have an Internet Server, create an ASP.NET application.
  3. You can use an INSERT INTO statement (as you did), add a sub-query in the WHERE clause at the end.... dim nAffected as integer = MyCommand.ExecuteNonQuery() if nAffected = -1 then messagebox.show("Already exists") end if
  4. you need to declare an Application... Dim xApp As Excel.Application xApp = CType(CreateObject("Excel.Application"), Excel.Application) Dim wsFuncs As Double '(maybe) wsFuncs = xApp.WorksheetFunction. 'Continue your function here
  5. Just to elaborate on hidding a column in a datagrid, this line of code should appear after you fill the DataAdapter and before you implement any TableStyles. ds.Tables(0).Columns(1).ColumnMapping = MappingType.Hidden 'or ds.Tables("myTable").Columns("myColumn").ColumnMapping = MappingType.Hidden
  6. You should call the formatting after you have loaded the data.
  7. I can't figure out why you would want to set the time. Can you help out?
  8. Or you can..... ds.Tables["myTable"].Columns["SomeColumn"].ColumnMapping = MappingType.Hidden
  9. Not in the designer, using code (at run-time). [edit]fixed typo [/edit]
  10. Try this... 'change this... Dim vExam1, vExam2, vExam3, vfinal, vAvg, vtotal As String 'to this... Dim vExam1, vExam2, vExam3, vfinal, vAvg, vtotal As Double 'then do the following vExam1 = ctype(vfstudentG.Substring(12, 3),double) vExam2 = ctype(vfstudentG.Substring(15, 3),double) vExam3 = ctype(vfstudentG.Substring(18, 3),double) vfinal = ctype(vfstudentG.Substring(21),double) vAvg = (vExam1 + vExam2 + vExam3 + vfinal * 2) / 5 lstout.Items.Add(String.Format(fmtstr, vsocSec, vAvg.tostring))
  11. you can do something like this... Datagrid1.Item(Datagrid1.CurrentCell.RowNumber, _ Datagrid1.CurrentCell.ColumnNumber) = _ calendar1.SelectionStart.ToLongDateString Or set a couple of member variables to make sure that the user actually selected a cell. You can do this in the DataGrid1_CurrentCellChanged event. m_nSelectedCell = Datagrid1.CurrentCell.ColumnNumber m_nRowNumber = Datagrid1.CurrentCell.RowNumber 'so you would check the value of these variables prior to 'assigning any values to them (so they don't crap-out)
  12. Remove all binary files and zip the entire project, I doubt it'll even be 100 Kb.
  13. If you look at the second example I posted, EXL.Quit() will terminate Excel, to verify this, open your Task Manager and look out for Excel.exe. I did not use Quit() in the first sample only to demonstrate that you can allow Excel to stay open.
  14. 1. Why is it in the Select part if you don't want to display it? Anyway, you can hide it using the method shown in the link below. 2. http://www.xtremedotnettalk.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=70325&highlight=currency [edit]D'OH, Nerseus wins again. :( [/edit]
  15. you said ..."and added a small window of the media player..." what is the window made up of ( which controls) ?
  16. Robby

    Code Behind

    An example of QueryString is http://www.xtremedotnettalk.com/showthread.php?threadid=71514 The first part (until the ? mark) is the page you want to access the rest is the values being passed along. So in your aspx page or in the code-behind you would do something like this... dim s as string = Request.QueryString("threadid") ' s will equal '71514'
  17. A good place to start for your first time is the Wizard, If you have trouble locatring it let us know.
  18. At least you found a workaround for now, in the mean-time you find some help at CR ...http://support.crystaldecisions.com/library/kbase.asp?ref=default.asp_selectlist Although, I searched (briefly) their site and found nothing.
  19. Can you explain.
  20. I looked at the code in NotePad (I don't have .NET right now) anyway... What happens when you change the ReadOnly in AdvancedDataGrid.vb ?
  21. You can Zip the project and post it here. Please delete all binary files before zipping (exe, DLL, etc..)
  22. Can you post some of the related code?
  23. What kind of help are you looking for? With the SQL statement, setting up a DataSet or Datagrid? What kind of controls are you planning on using?
  24. Yes, they can both reside on the same machine without any side-affects.
  25. When you change the ReadOnly state of the DataGrid, is it the same grid, meaning is it still in scope?
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