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Everything posted by Robby

  1. Even though you want to do this for your own use, it is not something we can give you advise upon here on the forum. It is not considered a safe practice and may be used to harm a system.
  2. Are you doing a Rebuild then Run, or are you running the Exe.
  3. I won't address the performance between the two, but I can tell you... don't use Mid, left, instr. All the string functions can be done using the new .net methods. Mid ... myString.Substring() Replace... myString.Replace() Instr ... myString.IndexOf() and many more....
  4. I'm not sure if this will help, try using Application.DoEvents before the Show method.
  5. Did you make some changes using code, ie. visible = ? or location = n
  6. I looked at your code using Notepad, (no .NET today) the thing that stick out is the scope and use of your DataAdapter, you have one that is a member and you're passing to the sub. Since it's already a member of the class, then don't pass it along, just build on it using the original.
  7. As you may have noticed, recordsets no longer exist in ADO.NET. There are many methods of accessing then displaying data using ADO.NET, this should get you started ....http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/cpguide/html/cpconaccessingadofromadonet.asp
  8. try adding lstUsers.Items.Clear() at the top of PopulateLstUsers()
  9. What do you mean "Maybe I should use 'SelectionStart' " ? Is that not what I posted? As for typing fast, I've held down a key which is probably 10 chars/second and they're all upper case.
  10. Private Sub Text1_TextChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Text1.TextChanged Text1.Text = Text1.Text.ToUpper Text1.SelectionStart = Text1.Text.Length End Sub
  11. I too felt like a novice the first few days, but that soon passed. I now dred coding in VB6, it really does not appeal to me any more.
  12. Is it possible you left a connection open from another part of the project?
  13. In the function NameIsUnique check if Salesname exists, if it does then return false else true. "Select Salesname From SalesmanTable Where Salesname = '" & sName & "'"
  14. Cassio is dead on. :) I'm still waiting for aewarnick to confirm this. :(
  15. In this case they are the same, change this to Me and the [ ] for ( ).
  16. I'm quite convinced that he is using .NET :)
  17. I'm not sure if any of these will work in the .NET RTB, http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/rtfbox98/html/vbconsupportedrtfcodes.asp
  18. You can still click the up/down.
  19. I usually make it read-only so I have never come across that problem, I'll look into it though.
  20. The fieldnames with th @ can be named anything, it's merely for readability.
  21. But you can still maintain full control of your application while using SelectedIndexChanged.
  22. Is your problem/question related to running your application on your own computer or on being able to run it on other machines... While the other machines do Not have Visual Studio .Net installed?
  23. You're right it is better to be given a choice, but I find myself (on this site) always opening links in a new window. Especially when reading threads, I'll open 5, 10 at one time.
  24. Robby

    Code Behind

    you can use Request.Form.GetValues() , Request.Form.Item() and a few more.
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