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Everything posted by Robby

  1. Oh, I have plenty of solutions without .NET.
  2. For example; Let's say you have some code that generates reports and it takes a few minutes to complete, you can allow the user to continue with other tasks, or even generate another set of reports.
  3. I'm curious as to how you did.
  4. Can you post your Zipped project here?
  5. Heiko, why go to all that hassle when you can simply get the exact cell clicked using CurrentCellChanged. Either way we're not getting the Double-click. 'This gets the column and row... Datagrid1.CurrentCell.ColumnNumber Datagrid1.CurrentCell.RowNumber 'or if you wanted to know the column name so as to perform a query based on the Dataset... Dataset1.Tables(0).Columns(Datagrid1.CurrentCell.ColumnNumber).ColumnName.ToString
  6. Place this in the Head section of your aspx file... <script src='LiveDateAndTime.js'></script> Then for example if you wanted to execute a js function on mouse over... <td onmouseover=getthedate()>
  7. The thing about Click and DoubleClick events is that they are at the Datagrid level and not the Cell level. You can use the CurrentCellChanged event to pinpoint which Cell the user clicks on.
  8. Hmmm.
  9. What data type is CategoryID in the table? If it's string (text) then try this... sql="DELETE FROM Categories WHERE CategoryID = '" & CatID & "'" If it's numeric (integer) then.. sql="DELETE FROM Categories WHERE CategoryID = " & convert.toint32(CatID) ALSO: You NEED to place the following at the top of each code page... Option Explicit On Option Strict On AND: Declare your variables as types... these are not: "Dim dbconn,sql, dbcomm,dbread" it should be something like this... Dim dbconn as OledbConnection Dim sql as string Dim dbcomm as oledbCommand You should go back to the sample and see how they declared their variables, if the type is SqlConnection then simply replace the Sql with OleDb to get OleDbConnection
  10. Are all your hardware device drivers up-to-date?
  11. wyrd, why? are you on Win98 ???? :(
  12. my laptop has; Win2k, P3 500, 128 Ram, VS2002 and it runs smooth.
  13. shouldn't you bind to the grid? (Instead of the Form)
  14. The values for a constant cannot come from a variable or a text file. The way I understand your title is that you don't want to expose properties to the user. Did I not understand?
  15. When you say "...send the results of a select statement to a variable" do you mean the resultset (recordset) into a variable?
  16. try this... this.BindingContext[dsPlayer1].EndCurrentEdit();
  17. First off; If you haven't developed any games how do you know that you'll love it. I understand you are passionate about playing. I'm a passionate car driver, I love being a wild one on the road but I have zero interest in building or repairing a car let alone changing my own oil. (Which I don't even know how to do :( ). Give the game dev thing a try and see how much you truly enjoy it, you'll be the best judge of that. In the mean time, go with the technology or skill that you have the most interest in.
  18. Oooo! I should read the post next time, didn't realize it was ASP... Thanks Mutant.
  19. Use a LinkButton and in the click event use Server.Transfer().
  20. try this.. For x = 1 To 20 txt = New textbox() With txt AddHandler .GotFocus, AddressOf txtClick .Text = "Textbox " & x.tostring .Location = New Point(0, x * 25) .Size = New Size(200, 60) End With Controls.Add(txt) Next
  21. When it comes to saving Time in a table I prefer to use varchar (or text based data types). If you're concerned with calculations between TimeIn and TimeOut you can Convert or Cast the values when needed.
  22. Check this out: http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/dnnetdep/html/vsredistdeploy.asp
  23. Is the textbox bound to the Dataset?
  24. If the ID field is of numeric type then .... Dim Squery As String = "Delete FROM Table1 WHERE ID=" & convert.toint32(txtBox.Text)
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