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Everything posted by Robby

  1. In http://www.visualbasicforum.com when you "Mark All items Read" it brings you back to you default view. (That would be the Home page)
  2. It would be, but seeing that the forum software will be upgraded soon there's no point in modifing it now.
  3. Also change to some new methods... Session("Login") = txtEmail.ToUpper.Trim
  4. You need to Reference the SqlClient as well as ...(at the top of the code page) Imports System.Data Imports System.Data.SqlClient
  5. If you want your end result to function like Source Safe does, you have a lot of work ahead.
  6. you can use ... <INPUT id="FILE1" type="file" name="FILE1" RUNAT="server"> or in code-behind... Private WithEvents FILE1 As New HtmlControls.HtmlInputFile()
  7. elf, it is caused by your security settings, you can put this site on your Trusted list. (instead of changing your settings) Tools | Internet Options | Security | Trusted Sites | Sites | enter *.xtremedotnettalk.com then 'Add'.
  8. Volte's solution works perfectly, if you want to see the results change then change the colors at that x,y location.
  9. Can you provide the value of i (a few samplings). I've used GetPixel but I can't remember the value range.
  10. try putting the ReleaseDC() near the end of the button_click
  11. 2 DVD burners? I don;t even have 1 yet. :(
  12. Not sure but check out Table(0).Column().allowedit = false. Or you can make it not visible.
  13. this line MyCommand.CommandText = "SELECT @@IDENTITY" is replacing the rprevious Insert line, remove it and it should work, however I don't think that you can use @@IDENTITY in Access. You can do another Select to get TOP 1 from the table with Order By IDfield DESC.
  14. You can find the answer somewhere in here... http://www.xtremedotnettalk.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=69196&highlight=byte Even though my code uses jpg files you can do this for any binary file
  15. Not without some link in the row. One alernative would be to have the user enter a row number or an id number into a textbox and click a button then on the server you would pinpoint the row and do what you want with it.
  16. I knew Volte would come through. :)
  17. Here's a function that works for me.. Private Sub GetImage(ByVal sDir As String, ByVal sName As String) Try Dim wc As New Net.WebClient() wc.DownloadFile(URL_IMAGE & sDir & "/" & sName, sName) wc.Dispose() Image1.Image = Image.FromFile(s)'display it in an image box Catch ex As Exception Throw New Exception(ex.Message) End Try End Sub 'URL_IMAGE is the web server location 'sDir is the directory it's in 'sName the name of the pic
  18. Yeah in VB6 and Access you can use CallByName(). There is a .NET equivalent, however I can't think of it at the moment. Funny thing is that's what I assumed you wanted from your title but then got somewhat redirected from the post. Sorry.
  19. I still don't completely understand. Where is the GST value held? In the dataset or some global variable?
  20. was it a bunch of services (software) ?
  21. you can start here...http://www.xtremedotnettalk.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=69808
  22. Delagates are how you would use threading.
  23. I said "For example...onmouseover" you can use it like any html page. All I was showing you was how to call it as an external file.
  24. Maybe I missed something here... you're coding this in what?
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