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Everything posted by Robby

  1. With VS: using code-behind is the deault.
  2. Things have been in control here and no one seems to waste posts just to increase their count, besides, we will implement the new version of the forum software here in the near future.
  3. We changed the code over at visualbasicforum.com
  4. Robby


    I don't get an error.
  5. Yes, for example the following will link to a JS file in a directory named javascript. 'place the following in the <head> tag. <script src='javascript/main.js'></script>
  6. I don't see a problem with uidgreg adding to this thread, it has so far been on topic and not out-of-date.
  7. Your aspx file contains no meaningful code, what don't you know how to do?
  8. Robby

    calendar week

    Hmm, Select the following dates and see what you get... Here are my results... Jan 1 = 0 Jan 4 = 0 Jan 5 = 1 Jan 11 = 1 Jan 12 = 2 Feb 1 = 4 It seems that my zero should be a one, so your results are accurate.
  9. Robby

    calendar week

    I think it may be affected by the day of the week the calendar control starts the week. I started on Sunday. [edit]I tested several days (as the FirstDayOfWeek) I got the same results[/edit]
  10. To quote the author... " It is great as long as your needs match one of its built-in features." Well doesn't this hold true for a third party datagrid as well?
  11. Robby

    calendar week

    there may be a better way of doing this, but... 'cal1 is the Calendar control Dim d As Date = CType("1/1/" & DateAndTime.Now.Year.ToString, Date) Dim w As Long = DateDiff(DateInterval.WeekOfYear, d, cal1.SelectionStart.Date) MessageBox.Show(w.ToString) btw, this is week 27
  12. Nerseus is watching too many .Net commencials on TV. :)
  13. Excellent look Dan. Seems to have lots of features.
  14. Also, if you want to add parameters to the current page (no need to specify the domain)... default.aspx?someParam=hello
  15. do you mean something like this... http://www.xtremedotnettalk.com?SomeParams=73911&More=123
  16. What does your connection string look like?
  17. Robby


    Does this happen on all projects or just one in particular?
  18. why does Response.AppendHeader not work for you?
  19. I think it messed up during the upload.
  20. I took the liberty of uploading it here...tetris.zip
  21. Folks, this thread is 5 months old. If you have a question please start a new thread.
  22. Eric, did you even try? Please open a new thread if you have a specific question as this one is a few months old and JAM has not been on for over a month.
  23. Do you want to develop while it's on the server or just run/execute it? If the former, you need Frontpage extensions.
  24. I would change the IFs and add PostedFile to the Saveas btw, do you really want to allow files of 100 Mb ? If Request.Files.Count > 0 and file.ContentLength < 102400000 and file.ContentType = "text/plain" Then file.PostedFile.SaveAs(strfilename) end if
  25. The columns are still accesible in the Dataset or Dataview. (as Jabe said, in the code-behind)
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