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Everything posted by Robby

  1. Is the user downloading a file then saving it? If so, they will be prompted by the browser, you don't need to take action.
  2. If you already have VS.NET why would you use Web Matrix?
  3. It's not the String type that is causing the truncation. What data type and size is the parameter in your stored proc?
  4. Robby

    Using frames

    The best way? Get rid of the frames. The only situation that can and should use frames is when using a Tree-view control.
  5. You cannot do this using ASP or ASP.NET.
  6. You can add the word "javascript:" before your "return" or btnDelete.Attributes("onclick") = "javascript:return " & _ "confirm(''Are you sure you want to delete?')"
  7. What type of control is it? You can -on postback - only re-populate that control. or You can cache the rest of the page. (excluding that control)
  8. You don't need Web Matrix to put in-line server tags in the aspx file, you can even do this in Notepad. Whatever tool you use you will still end up with a DLL once you compile it. Your page will not run without this DLL.
  9. Are you adding this statement to the Update command of the the data adapter?
  10. First I would use DateTime instead of Date, second you may want to overload the method and not use the Optional keyword. The OverLoad would solve the problem of the argument being left out.
  11. You can use CAST() in your Select during the Import process. Are you doing this using .NET code or with a DTS package?
  12. From what I remember, 2 gigs is the max file size of an mdb. I don't think (not sure) tables have limitations.
  13. Robby

    Web Filter

    You would need to create your own browser using a WinForm, look into the WebClient namespace.
  14. Wrox books are great especially the Professional series, but I think this one may cover too much GDI than you need. The one from Bluevision... I'm not sure I like the reviews too much... I'd search some more.
  15. If it's web based then this book seems decent, most MS Press books from this series are easy to follow and have many samples and labs. http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0735615829/booksandpos02-20/104-9991728-5211955?dev-t=D3R39P4FOXC4MW%26camp=2025%26link_code=xm2
  16. Web or Windows forms?
  17. You can not trigger it from the server, it needs to be from the client.... place this in the head section of your page... <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="900"> 900 is in seconds
  18. Anthony is the local version of your app (using the FileSystemWatcher ) a web based app or Desktop app?
  19. Here... http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyId=BA517C01-2E2F-4BC7-84AF-149B7637F807&displaylang=en
  20. I wasted a lot time as well. :( Don't you wish you found this thread sooner. :)
  21. I really hope that you don't intend on changing the users' settings programmaticaly.
  22. You don't need them; in time when you start to understand OOP and OOD you will find yourself using them.
  23. SqlClient can only be used with SQL Server, you can download the free version here .... http://www.microsoft.com/sql/msde/downloads/default.asp
  24. I have never thought of this as a bug; I often open an aspx file within an unrelated project - only to view the code. I really wouldn't appreciate it if it started to attribute it to the project. Anyway, currently you do need to open it in the context of a web project, no solution needed.
  25. I don't understand; Did you create a Composite Web Control?
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