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Everything posted by Robby

  1. Robby

    Web Help

    Is this your own site or application? Or is it provided by some other person/company?
  2. Robby

    Web Help

    Then I don't understand.
  3. The whole point of having one form per page is because you don't need more. Everything you described can be achieved with a single form. The web controls have events which can be used to figure out the users' selections.
  4. Robby

    Web Help

    Do you mean create or click, I get the impression that you want to create the links with those changing query strings, is this correct?
  5. uniqueidentifier is SQL Server specific, Sorry Peter I should've read your post in its' entirety.
  6. Create an ID field with uniqueidentifier data type and Is RowGUID and NOT NULL
  7. I suggest that you contact their support ... http://www.devcomponents.com/
  8. I reformated the string just for ease of reading, try it out. Also, Make sure that the columns mark as Int are indeed int in the table. I'm sure that you're doing some Server-side validation to ensure that there are no nulls, etc... String insertCmd1 = "INSERT INTO tblSupplemental(" + "id,fn,shsh,born_date," + "Address,tel,postcode,faf," + "memoir,degree,un,gd," + "po,mp,smd,emd) " + "VALUES(" + textBox1.Text.Trim() + ", " + "N'" + textBox2.Text.Trim() + "'," + Convert.ToInt32(textBox3.Text) + ", " + "N'" + textBox4.Text.Trim() + "'," + "N'" + textBox5.Text.Trim() + "'," + "N'" + textBox6.Text.Trim() + "'," + "N'" + textBox7.Text.Trim() + "'," + "N'" + textBox8.Text.Trim() + "'," + "N'" + textBox9.Text.Trim() + "'," + "N'" + textBox10.Text.Trim()+ "'," + "N'" + textBox11.Text.Trim() + "'," + "'" + textBox12.Text.Trim() + "'," + "N'" + textBox13.Text.Trim() + "'," + Convert.ToInt32(textBox14.Text) + "," + "N'" + textBox15.Text.Trim() + "'," + "N'" + textBox16.Text.Trim() + "')";
  9. barski, + is used in C#, N is used in SQL Server.
  10. Place this in the <head> of your aspx file... <script src='someDirectory/SomeFile.js'></script>
  11. Your error is from your select statement...rtrim()
  12. It depends on how much we're talking about: 1 Blank CD-R, 1 CD Player, or 1 car with a CD player in it. :)
  13. What do you mean 'auto load' ?
  14. I doubt that it has anything to do with the OS.
  15. In the function, Return False
  16. It's difficult to answer without knowing your knowledge level. You can create a page with a few text boxes and then use an SQL update statement to write their current contents to a database. That's the short answer.
  17. Can you post the relevant code?
  18. Yeah, my laptop works ok ( :) ) with a P3 500 , 128 RAM (ouch) , I manage
  19. Many Deletes and Inserts will grow the DB size, as well as if you store binary/images data.
  20. I don't get it... What method are you using to save/update the database from the dataset? Either way, you don't need to include the ID field as part f your update, that usually causes this type of error.
  21. I'm sure there is some method that is not exactly the same, these things are not intermitent, it either works or it does not. Post the relevant code and we'll see if someone can spot the err.
  22. Btw, This is only a guess on my part.
  23. Cool :)
  24. You may need admin permissions to install.
  25. It may be having trouble stopping IIS or its' dependancies. Try stopping it through the admin panel.
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