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Everything posted by Robby

  1. You can create a DataTable with DataColumns and DataRows manually simuliar to your approach adove the bind the datatable to a control.
  2. There must be an object latching onto the db since the ldb is still there, can you post the relative code?
  3. You can use this against SQL Server or Access (I think)... SELECT R_ID, some_other_columns FROM some_table WHERE R_ID In (SELECT R_ID FROM some_table As T GROUP BY R_ID HAVING Count(*)>1 ) 'If you want only ones that have no duplicates then change the > 1 to = 1
  4. Why would you want that?
  5. Yeah that would work.
  6. Robby

    Iis Problem

    Is the IIS installed on your Win2k or WinXP Pro? If yes, open the command prompt, and run this C:\WINNT\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.0.3705\aspnet_regiis.exe /i The directory should be the same location as your version of the Framwork.
  7. If you open the popup using the same id then it should refresh... myWin=window.open('popup.aspx......
  8. The directory containing your aspx files should be created as "Virtual". Also, if this is a shared hosting environment, you (they) need to grant ASPNET as a user of that new directory.
  9. Is the ViewState enabled?
  10. If I knew how do it effeciently and well I'd be a rich man.
  11. Robby

    User account

    You cannot delete that account, I don't understand this logon prompt that you get, at what point does it prompt you?
  12. Robby

    Iis Problem

    Was it functional in the past and it suddenly stopped working?
  13. Css is the style sheets you can set, find out more here http://www.w3schools.com/css What knid of events do you want ot handle for labels?
  14. Sorry I just noticed you'r using C# { for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++) { Label lbl; lbl = new Label(); lbl.BorderColor = Color.Red; lbl.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.Solid; lbl.BorderWidth = Unit.Pixel(1); lbl.Text = "Test"; lbl.CssClass = "SomeCssClass"; //If you wish, use this instead of the properties this.Controls.Add(lbl); //or place the controls into a Panel or PlaceHolder }
  15. Dim x As Integer For x = 0 To 10 Dim lbl As New Label() With lbl .BorderColor = Color.Red .BorderStyle = BorderStyle.Solid .BorderWidth = Unit.Pixel(1) .Text = "Test" .CssClass = "SomeCssClass" 'If you wish, use this instead of the properties End With Me.Controls.Add(lbl) 'or place the controls into a Panel or PlaceHolder Next
  16. You can bind to a dataset, datatable or dataview.
  17. sorry I ment AllowSorting
  18. Is the Server on a shared (hosting) environment? If so, chances are they don't support Crystal.
  19. I think he wants to create something like Access.
  20. 1) I can think of many reason for this, a calculation or a condition is met so you update the grid through code,,,, 2) You can use the DataAdapter's Update command for this. (commandBuilder) 3) I only know for web controls, sorry.
  21. WebJumper, I think what he wants is to display the tags as-is not to render them.
  22. If you're creating the grid at design-time then make sure that Enable Soritng is marked as True, at runtime you can just set the property via your code .EnableSorting = True
  23. Go to Tools | Options | Txt Editor | HTML/XML | Format | uncheck the first two items.
  24. Robby

    DataGrid - Edit

    with a TemplateColumn and EditItemTemplate you can place almost any control into a column.
  25. I know which email address to register with :)
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