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Everything posted by Robby

  1. Not as easily.
  2. Wether you do it on the client is up to you, but either way you should do it on the server
  3. Create a server-side function to parse the string, then use Data.Eval to call the function sending it the raw data as an argument (of course the return from the function would be the parsed string)
  4. the DataView1.RowFilter should be DataView1.RowFilter = "SomeColumnName = '" & Me.DropDownList1.SelectedItem.Value & "'"
  5. Yeah I like that idea too.
  6. Nerseus, that's an idea that's very plausible... When we create a new thread in CL or TC we can provide a link to the General section whee they can post comments or suggestions. What about this http://www.xtremedotnettalk.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=78476
  7. Post your comments regarding Categorize Items in an ASP Datagrid here.
  8. Wyrd you make a valid point but Simon has a better point that cluttering up the thread with comments would make it harder to find the updates and such. Honestly, I don't care either way
  9. Not really a safe way of doing this.
  10. What does your Select statement look like?
  11. This sample project uses four different methods of passing values from one web page to another. Two methods pass controls and the other two pass the text only. Download the attached sample project. pagetopagedata.zip
  12. I was way off track, I miss-understood the question.
  13. Wow, so if you have 100 aspx pages, you have to change 100 connection strings. Ouch! yes you can use the map path option and create one central connection string in a class or property
  14. Did you IMPORTS your class at the top of the client code?
  15. You shouldn't Throw an exception if all you want to do is cancel. I'm not sure what DataColumnChangeEventArgs contains but there must be something there. (I don't have .NET in front of me)
  16. Open all your pages and perform a find on that string. Did you use a wizard to create you connection string?
  17. You can use Len() ... len([ColumnName])
  18. That's if they're even using the query string, no?
  19. I don't know of any, you can certainly ask your questions here. A lot of us work with T-SQL on a daily basis.
  20. 2002 requires Framework 1.0 2003 requires Framework 1.1 Make sure you have both versions of the Framework installed. Sounds like you need to install 1.0 again.
  21. Are you meaning to use ADO.NET ? However if you ment to use ADO classic then you need to include it in the References section of the solution explorer.
  22. Robby


    Here's a solution in VB6, you can still use the same logic. http://www.bassicsoftware.com/popup.aspx?b_id=86
  23. 16 hours, isn't that a normal day? :) This depends on the application, a simple app can run just by shipping the exe file, while ones that have dependencies may require to be packaged, there are a few suggestions in our Deployment section. Oh, whchever way you choose will require the end-user to have the Framework on their machine.
  24. The following sample demonstrates how to categorize items in a datagrid while still allowing sorting. It uses Northwind on SQL Server. There are comments along with the code. View online Demo If you have comments or suggestions regarding this sample, post them here http://www.xtremedotnettalk.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=78476 bassicdemocategorizedaspdatagrid.zip
  25. Server.Tranfer("xxx2.aspx")
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