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Everything posted by Robby

  1. Hmm, funny how people will download huge DirectX updates in order to play games and such, or even Windows updates that can be much larger than 20 megs. And by the way the Framework is already part of XP service packs, and will be shipped with all future releases of Windows. I simply don't understand all complaining. :(
  2. Me.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor or custom Cursor.Current = New Cursor(Application.StartupPath & "\SomeCursor.cur")
  3. Robby

    VB "Left"

    SubString replaces Mid as well
  4. Robby

    VB "Left"

    Use SubString() as PlausiblyDamp pointed out, stay away from legacy VB specic code. If you ever need to port your VB code to C# wouldn't you like it to be as seamless as possible.
  5. I think he wants to search such files as *.xls or *.doc
  6. What steps have you taken to use the control?
  7. With the statements you've made I'm not sure on how I should reply. If you insist on using global variables then create a module and stick the public variables in there. If you want to things the long-winded way which by the way is the correct way, then check out some of these articles or books on Object Oriented programming ... http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&ie=ISO-8859-1&q=object+oriented+programming+.net+101
  8. Liu, how does it not benefit users? Are they not getting their products developed faster and with better features and so and so on and...........?
  9. yraykar, I am posting your PM here.... posted by yraykar
  10. This download illustrates how to create a base class from which all your aspx pages can inherit. Why use templates? If you�re designing a web site with more than a couple of pages then templates could be the answer. The benefits of well designed templates; getting rid of redundant code, easier to separate HTML from server-side scripts as well as the obvious, consistent look and reuse of UI code. Why not use User Controls? User Controls have their place as well. If anything they can be even easier to create than templates. Perhaps I�ll visit this topic at a later date. Actually, I whipped up this sample because recently many were asking on how to use Includes in ASP.NET. So I figured why use Includes when you can be using Templates and User Controls. Most of the code in the sample project is commented otherwise it should be self-explanatory. bassicdemotemplatingasppages.zip
  11. You can create a class that can be reused by any page that requires database interaction, webForms and winForms will be able to use it. This class can return whatever you may need, Datasets, Dataviews, Scalars, ExecuteNonQueries, etc... I would leave all the SQL Select statements in the class (let's say Business Layer) that inherits or instantiates the database class.
  12. For my own use I use pen and paper, Visio for clients.
  13. It depends on which condition you need to handle... if you will have code in both then either one is fine, but NOT if you're going to use Exit Sub. (Don't use it) Also, drop the o that prefixes oDB since everything in .NET is an Object.
  14. Can you post some code since I cannot make out what you are doing in which order.
  15. Wow! It took you a whole two minutes. :) you can also save a bit code by sticking the Add method into a for loop.
  16. Once you bind the combo, you cannot set the text that way, if the value of l_strHomePlantId is already in the combo then you can do a search in the combo and at that point set the SelectedIndex. If the value of l_strHomePlantId doesn't exist and you want to add it to the combo you can use the Insert method to insert it at let's say index zero.
  17. Installing IIS after the Framework is probably the problem. Open a command promt window and run this.. C:\WINNT\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.0.3705\aspnet_regiis.exe /i replace v1.0.3705 with your version number
  18. Hit F9 on the line you want to break on, do this prior to running the program. Then you can step through using F8 or F11 depending on your settings.
  19. You may have unprocessed code past a Server.Transfer line.
  20. You declared con as SqlConnection but later used cnn in the SqlCommand
  21. Here a simplified solution... Create a Class with a Property in it. This property should return your connection string. Then each page needs to create an instance of this class in order to use/get the connection string. Public Class DataConnectionString private connString as string = "place your conn string here" Public ReadOnly Property getConnectionString() As String Get Return connString End Get End Property End class Then near the top of your aspx pages' Code-Behind... Private CN as new DataConnectionString() 'then one of your routines can consume it as such... myString = CN.getConnectionString
  22. Are you using 38 different connection strings? Probably not, create a public property and whenever you need a new connection just call the property for it.
  23. The title of this thread is evil, it seduced me into reading your post. :)
  24. A simple solution would to format the Select from your DB... SELECT (F2 + ' - ' + F3 + ', ' + F4) as SomeF, F4 From .... Then do something like this... DataTextField = SomeF DataValueField = F4
  25. Why not comment out your own script and see if you get an error or not. (You most likely will not)
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