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Everything posted by Robby

  1. Yeah, for a handful of concatenated lines it's not worth using the builder.
  2. I find the tutorials and samples in the SDK are fantastic.
  3. I created a form with 288 picture boxes (at runtime) on a single form with no visible slow-down. (each picture box contained an image loaded from disk)
  4. Sorry, when I read "He doesn't want to see all the rows" I figured you would skip the datagrid.
  5. There must be something wrong with your system. I find that 2002 has better intellisense (VB) then 2003. The Find/Repplace also.
  6. If the user is entering data into Textboxes then you don't need any Datatable nor Dataset. All you need is what I mentioned earlier.
  7. If you dont't like Microsoft don't use their products.
  8. You can use an INSERT INTO statement in the SqlCommand object using the ExecuteNonQuery method.
  9. Check out this sample project... http://www.bassicsoftware.com/popup.aspx?b_id=48
  10. Remove the form tags from the ascx file, you will still be able to get the server side events posted back.
  11. I doubt that any accounting package can be tweaked in that manner, not a professional one anyway.
  12. Are you looking for an off-the-shelf program? If so, this is not the right place it. Or are you developing such a system using .NET?
  13. There are many methods in System.IO , you can use File Copy ( original name, new name)
  14. just get rid of all the VB6.TwipsToPixelsX() and replace them with some new integers
  15. Robby


    My thought was to do all the DB updates from a web service, but you can still do it all from a web form. What I don't get is why you want a Windows form to call a Web form in order to update the DB.
  16. Do you have client side script running on the Onclick?
  17. I wouldn't bind the textboxes for something like this, get the PK id from the selected row in the DG, then use the related dataview or datatable to get the detail values into them. (the textboxes)
  18. Robby


    Where or in which event are you clearing the textbox?
  19. Before conerting it to a class perhaps get it converted to ADO.NET.
  20. You can do both, though I haven't attempted the latter on a web based textbox.
  21. Did you do the Message box thing as dynamic_sysop said? If so, what was the output?
  22. Robby


    Is the textbox on the same page?
  23. Robby


    textBox.Text = "" or textBox.Text = String.Emtpy
  24. I used to use PlaceHolders in the same way, lately I prefer to use Panels instead. They're easier to position and they have more attributes.
  25. Add the Placeholder to the page then add the DD to the PH then set the PH visible to false if the checkbox is checked. For the checkbox, simply add an event handler and set the autoPostback to true.
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