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Everything posted by Robby

  1. I don't have .NET right now, but it's something like.... Now.Month Now.Day etc..
  2. I just noticed your code, instead do somthing like catidparam.Value = String.Empty (of course only if textbox is blank)
  3. In the SP list of params, set the default value to Null. @myVar varchar(10) Null,
  4. My laptop took 4 hours, desktop less than an hour.
  5. It sounds like the framework was installed prior to IIS. If so, open a commend prompt and run this... aspnet_regiis.exe /i
  6. Robby

    Set bgColor

    In Styles it's background in control attributes it's bgcolor.
  7. I may be wrong but I don't know if you can use escapes in that context.
  8. Check these out... http://www.w3schools.com/sql/sql_insert.asp http://www.w3schools.com/sql/sql_select_into.asp
  9. It is normal for a Server.Transfer to have a ThreadAbortException, so if you need a try/catch in that routine simply ignore the abort exception and catch everything else.
  10. I've had a prompt from Crystal when the connection to the DB was invalid, it asked for Server name and username/password, is this what you get?
  11. I checked my resource, it was mobile devices not DirectX, sorry
  12. Where is the prompt coming from, Crystal or a database connection?
  13. I did the exact thing except instead of a combo I filtered on the last column or cell the user clicked on, eitherway works. If you don't filter you can simply Find an item in the grid, take note on how you want to approach this, will you re-sort by the column they choose or....? You understand where I going with this?
  14. http://www.asp.net http://www.gotdotnet.com http://www.msdn.microsoft.com http://www.aspalliance.com http://www.dotnetjunkies.com http://aspnet.4guysfromrolla.com/
  15. I haven't done any pocket PC... While adding new items to the toolbox, browse for another component that is labeled WM or simaliar. Perhaps they have a different one for Pocket pc
  16. It is very easily done... In the change event of the search textbox use rowFilter of the Dataview of the Dataset to specify the Where clause, ie.. dv.RowFilter = myCombo.Text & " LIKE '" & myTextBox.text & "%'" 'You need to bind the Grid to the dataview instead of the Dataset
  17. It's not unstable, you just are using it incorrectly, there may be some combobox events triggering these unexpected results. Instead, use the SelectedIndex and other methods that utilize the bound values or even the Add method to add new items.
  18. I read the MS list of requirements and they don't mention VS 2003, but I do know for a fact that I read it somewhere that you must have 2003.
  19. One of the requirements is VS 2003
  20. You need to download the WMP SDK http://www.microsoft.com/windows/windowsmedia/9series/sdk.aspx
  21. In this thread http://www.xtremedotnettalk.com/showthread.php?threadid=78226&highlight=combobox I thought we discussed not using the Text property on a bound control, but I guess not.
  22. Why can't you use the split function? If you absolutly aren't allowed to use the Split then using the code you have get rid of the bolFlag and place a counter there.
  23. Never heard of it, but you can set a variable to hold the last time the width was set and the next time refer to the variable if it contains a valid value.
  24. I gues you can put a small dialog box with a "Please wait" message.
  25. I have no problems, what blew up exactly?
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