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Everything posted by Robby

  1. You can do DateDiff() with minutes but again messes up when past 24. Another way is to substring the numbers on the right of the semi-colon : and divide them by 60 ie 10:45 would be 45 / 60 = .75 result = 10.75
  2. I've noticed that that happens when you open several IDEs at the same time.
  3. I would consider re-designing the logical structure of the way you're handling this. You are thinking too much in Excel when you should be think terms of Database tables. Instead of going across and adding new fields, you should be adding rows. Post the tables, feilds and data you will save and we'll be glad to help.
  4. Yes, but it's not easy. I deal with something similiar here http://www.xtremedotnettalk.com/showthread.php?threadid=78363 Online demo
  5. Robby


  6. VB6 left it out if you were in the root directory of a drive.
  7. Then you need to declare it as the actual form itself not as System.Windows.Forms.Form
  8. if you want to pass a form as parameter then pass Me,
  9. Mutant, in 2003 ?
  10. I understand the problem now but it really should be displaying the Caption. Do you have Autogenerate columns set to True?
  11. I do something similiar, I never go into the designer either.
  12. This sample http://www.codeproject.com/aspnet/fileupload.asp deals with uploading images from your hard disk to MS Access, since you may already have the image in a stream, I'm sure you'll figure it out.
  13. No problem, the rest of their website (w3shools.com) has many more fundementals on ASP, Jscript, HTML, etc...
  14. The default sheet created for each asp project may not be suitable for everyone. You should really remove all the generic style that you don't use from the styles.css and only keep the one you intent on using.
  15. To delete a table.. "Drop table tablename"
  16. To copy a table.. http://www.w3schools.com/sql/sql_select_into.asp
  17. Robby

    set focus

    For something like that it would have to be JScript.
  18. Believe me Templates is what you need, that's actualy part of what my sample demonstrates. I removed menus from the sample in order to simplify it. All you need to do is create an html table for your layout, I'm sure you already have that in place now. Take that layout and stratigicaly place it in the base class.
  19. Here are few examples . . http://www.w3schools.com/sql/sql_select_into.asp
  20. Which captions? I don't understand.
  21. In my sample project, the template is the Base class, and any page that inherits it will derive all of its' methods and properties. Perhaps you would feel more comfortable creating a User Control (Composite), it is easier to start with. http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/cpguide/html/cpconcompositecontrolsample.asp
  22. foreach (TextBox t in this.Controls) { MessageBox.Show( t.Name.ToString()); }
  23. You posted this in Interoperation / Office Integration, is this a windows form?
  24. You need a couple of calendar controls on your webpage, realestate is limited and you don't want the user to type in the date themselves what do you do? You open a popup with a calendar in it! View online demo Attached is a sample project using some server-side code along with client JavaScript achieving this task. The code is not complicated and is mostly commented. calendarpopupasp.zip
  25. You can use an Insert with ExecuteNonQuery.
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