There's not much to say except....
Start your string after the question (?) mark, the first part is the variable name then an equal (=) sign, the second part is the value.
To concat many items together use the ampersand (&).
In your code you would receive the string like this...
dim s1 as string = string.empty
If not request.querystring("myVar") = nothing then
s = request.querystring("myVar")
end if
dim s2 as string = string.empty
If not request.querystring("myOtherVar") = nothing then
s2 = request.querystring("myOtherVar")
end if
Evaluation function?
A lot of you are yapping nonsense! You can create a base-class to be used as a template page... then every single item on the page yes any page can be dynamic, this includes the meta-tags, client scripts, CSS file and more.
Since you're still in test mode, change the web.config setting CustomErrors to off, this will allow you to see the real error message until you get your app squared away.
Also, at this point your global error is not even being triggered.
C# seems to have this bug, sometimes if you remove the reference then re-reference it, it may work.
MS said that they would fix this in 2003, I do know that 2005 has been fixed.
You can transform your dataset using an XSLT file, in there you can format or exclude any row of your choosing.
You can easily find better help elsewhere but this is a start ...