techmanbd, I don't think you understand, he is calling reports in Access this has nothing to do with connection to a database.
[edit]techmanbd, I guess you deleted your post [/edit]
Typically an error such as this "Could not load type 'namespace.Login'." is caused by a misspelled namespace or class.
Did you create a new virtual directory for the new app?
The first thing you can do is handle the exception by placing your code in a Try/Catch block.
wc.Dispose() 'once you're done
'and if you're using a StreamReader then close it when you're done...
Oh yeah of course, these local vars are destroyed soon after they go out of scope.
I don't care much for readability... we use overloaded methods that have 5 or so args then readability is already lost.
When you create an instance of 'Access.Application', you DO need Access installed on each machine.
Why are you creating an 'Access.Application' object, are you running macros, forms or reports in Access?
MIS is Management Information Systems.
I'm pretty sure that the programming courses offered in MIS are light compared with ones offered in the CS degree.
I don't understand why this line does not allow you to preview (it works for me)...
appAccess.DoCmd.OpenReport YourStringReportName, acPreview, ,YourStringCriteria
1) this is direct to the download
This is the page with instructions
2) No