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Everything posted by Robby

  1. http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/vbcon/html/vbconadopreviousversionsofado.asp
  2. Place a EditCommandColumn in your grid, then in the code-behind handle the EditCommand event. Place this in your event... datagrid1.EditItemIndex = e.Item.ItemIndex
  3. In most cases I prefer to open late and close early. In other words open only as needed.
  4. what does your code look like?
  5. Do you get an error message or?
  6. good stuff, I didn't think of AutoGenerateColumns.
  7. I think you would need to loop through the Datatable and add a new row for each existing row then add it to the column.
  8. Exactly, If you use Cookieless then the session details will be added to the QueryString.
  9. If this protection is based on the data contained in that cell, you can trap the selectedIndeChanged event, then determine its' contents then discard or disaloow changes at that point. As far as I know you can't do this during render/bind.
  10. What part you you talking about, th message box? you cannot display a msgbox from the server. I prefer to place those types of messages in a label or a literal control.
  11. Instead of adding them to the page you can add them to a panel or even <table><td> tags.
  12. You need to override the Render and use HtmlTextWriter to output.write the controls
  13. I've done more than enough JAVA. Perhaps reading this will shed some light, by the way it's written by a JAVA guy and he's not a 'Microsoft patriot' .... http://www.exia.net/html/app/sitecontent/CGI%20Dot%20Net%20vs%20J2EE.pdf
  14. Yeah that's it.
  15. Sj, I did the exact same thing a while back, I'll post the answer later (in a few hours) unles someone else can do it first. kahlua001, it will not postback until the validators are valid.
  16. Oh wait a second, you're probably using some update methods of the DataAdpter right?
  17. Once the DataAdpter is out of scope (after the datatable is returned) in a sense it is disposed and you don't need to worry about it.
  18. It's not that much of a restructure, create a couple of private members to hold the SQL statement strings and have your methods execute them. As for the relationships just move them to the business layer.
  19. The program won't stop as long as you have any Catch block at all.
  20. I prefer to not have the Select statement in my DAL as to keep it generic enough so it can be used by other applications. I setup sql statements as properties or arguments for the method so they are not known by the DAL. Also, you can inherit the DAL from the business layer with MustInherit so that it is not instansiated.
  21. You can have your DAL return the requested datatables, then setup the relationhips and/or datasets in the business layer.
  22. I believe you need aspnet user setup with permissions on the remote server.
  23. read this ... http://www.dotnetextreme.com/articles/performance.asp
  24. Funny I just noticed the same thing when you posted your solution for Ace Master. :)
  25. Usually if aspnet is not registered you get a server error, it's worth a shot anyway.
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