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Everything posted by Robby

  1. Prunes or plums? They're two completely different fruits. This poll doesn't really matter but it's a valid question and it allows us to realize how each other refers to such (important :) ) things. eg. Do you pronouce SQL Server like so.... SQL Server or Sequel Server
  2. where is DataSetLogger declared? Also, you may need to reasign a dataset back to Session("dataset") once you completed your bind. I suggest saving the Dataview to the session instead of the dataset.
  3. We do not do your projects for you. If you have a specific question we will help you as best we can.
  4. SP4 is Beta? I don't think so. I installed it as well as .NET 03 without any problems.
  5. To add to Bucky's post... In case myCustObj does not contain all expected values during Session_start you can assign to it from any page using the same method. Session("UserObject") = myCustObj
  6. Shouldn't you be asking them this question? Besides, we cannot condone using these kinds of sheets to pass exams.
  7. use Insert after you bind DDL.Items.Insert(0, "someThing")
  8. Instead of a module create a class with a readonly property that returns the string. Then at the top of any other class that may need this connection string instantiate the con class and retrieve the property as needed.
  9. You can 'Throw New Exception" or Return Nothing, in cassse of the latter you would always need to check for the case of the return being Nothing.
  10. Where are the questions stored, and how much code have you already written? We're not here to do your projects for you, please provide more details on what you are stuck on.
  11. Is the dropdown bound ? If so what does your code look like.
  12. My idea is to load a multi-dim array with the questions (including the ID field from the table) then randomize the order of the array, load the controls. When it's time to save the answers simply make a reference to the ID element in the array. This way you shouldn't care what you name the controls nor their order of appearance.
  13. Instead of randomizing the controls why not randomize the questions.
  14. I don't think you can do this.
  15. It depends on the context and with whom I'm speaking. In short I refer to them as both Folder and Directory.
  16. I think that the client browser needs the font set in order to display the barcode. You can by pass this action by simply processing the barcode on the server and never actually displaying it to the client. You can start testing the process without the use of a scanner, type in product numbers into your textbox and send it to the server for manipulation.
  17. Yes. The sacanner simply reads a sequence of characters from a barcode the same as you would type some keys on your keyboard. One aproach would be to have a textbox receive the scanned item then a button click would send it to the server for processing. The barcode is just a special font base. http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&q=barcode+scanner+fonts
  18. Earlier someone asked what language VS.NET was written in...they used C#.
  19. Create a Stored Proc to do your inserts. Here's a sample you can run in Query Analyzer.... SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO SET ANSI_NULLS OFF GO CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.Some_Stored_Proc @Fname varchar(30)= null,-- not required @Lname varchar(30)--required AS declare @id int SET @id = 0 if (@Lname != '')--ensures a valid input BEGIN Begin transaction INSERT INTO Table1 ([Fname],[Lname],[date_created]) Values (@Fname, @Lname,getdate()) SET @id = @@IDENTITY commit transaction return @id --return the new ID number to the caller END SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFF GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFF GO SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO
  20. Are you using SQL Server? if so, use @@Identity if your inserting in a stored proc.
  21. you can use or localhost instead of the machine name .
  22. All the best to all. :)
  23. LOL ... "as intensively as Notepad does"
  24. At any point during the lease you should be able to obtain a balance owing on the vehicle (from the dealer), although you have have a few remaining your balance right now is still lower than your buy-back value. Normally you would purchase the vehicle from the leaser then do what you want with it.
  25. I'm not entirely sure but I don't think you can run ActiveX on Netscape.
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