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Everything posted by Robby

  1. You can save settings to the registry or an XML file.
  2. You can ask Divil how he did it on his web site. http://www.divil.co.uk/net/
  3. I wrote this in VB6 a couple of years ago for this very purpose,Extreme Code Organizer . Try it out it's free.
  4. This covers XML from the ground up ... http://www.w3schools.com/xml
  5. You can also setup Roles.
  6. I don't like much from MSPress but I can recommend this kit, it contains 4 books, practice exams on CD and 4 coupons for 15% off each exam. At $118 it will pay for itself. (You save $18 per exam) http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/0735619255/qid=1076610596/sr=5-2/ref=cm_lm_asin/103-4045664-3499061?v=glance
  7. Once you have a short path I doubt that you can get the long from it, why are you getting the short path to begin with?
  8. You hit the nail on the head.
  9. It was on TBS a couple of weeks ago.
  10. Simon, how the hell did you find it?
  11. I have had that dialog prompt me in the past... but only when I had the incorrect info about the database or table. Are you 100% sure that you are pointing to the correct table/database?
  12. Data class will return Datasets, Scalars, ExecuteNonQueries, etc.... (This class does not know about the database, tables nor its' contents) It is generic enough to be ported over to any application, Web or Desktop, your PC or your friends' PC. Business class will contain Sql statements, calculations and logic specific to your project. This class will Inherit the Data class. The DataAdapters, connections are all in the Data class, they are created and destroyed as needed, nothing is global in my scenario.
  13. Nothing crazy like Newman and Kramer I hope ? :eek:
  14. As WebJumper pointed out; it's not impossible but quite a chore and workaround. ASP.NET was not designed to use frames. Maybe there is a way around using frames, what exactly is your given task?
  15. I was always the car :)
  16. Monopoly? Let's not go there.
  17. Are you passing the user and pw ? myReport.SetDatabaseLogon("username", "password")
  18. The best way is to get rid of the frames, seriously though can you not do without frames.
  19. The business class would inherit the data class, all the Sql statements reside in the business class. Let's say you have a method in the data layer that returns a dataset, you open a connection/dataAdapter then fill the dataset close the connection, return the dataset to the business layer which in turn returns the dataset to the original caller (let's say a WinForm). Also, if you have multiple connection strings, let's say one for dev, one for production and another for unit testing, you can create a public enum for each environment, so that the business class can choose (in the myBase constructor) which connection string to use. Since this enum selection would take place in one place only, saving you search/replace in your code when it's time to deploy.
  20. How is the data being dispatched, remoting, service, etc... ?
  21. This is my point of view http://www.xtremedotnettalk.com/showthread.php?threadid=78714
  22. I can't see why you're unloading a form in the Deactivate event, you should use Close or Closing events.
  23. Have a look at this sample .... http://www.xtremedotnettalk.com/showthread.php?threadid=78434
  24. Save settings and get settings uses the registry, otherwise you can save to a text file or an XML document.
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