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Everything posted by Robby

  1. F2 to access the Object Viewer
  2. I'm curious what is this application used for, and can you post some of the code.
  3. place "Application.doevents" before this line "Label1.Text = IMinutes"
  4. You want this to be viewed by the public using Internet Explorer ( Browser) ?
  5. Robby


    First of all you should be posting this in Random Thoughts. Next, you cannot expect to join a forum and right away start promoting your web site, we consider that SPAM. You may be well intentioned and not making any money from your site, but at the very least we expect you to be a part of our community for a prolonged period of time before you can promote your site, even then it depends on your approach. I have been with this forum since day one and have yet to publicly tell people to "go check out my site", I have a link in my sig, that's all. BTW, I�m leaving this thread in tact for others to view because you certainly are not the first one to have this idea.
  6. Did you unregister/register the dll ?
  7. Yeah use CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)
  8. Are you not filling the object with data from the DB whilst at the server?
  9. The thing is that you're setting it in the Click event and th Page Load, both events are fired when you click the button. You should limit the toggle effect to the click event.
  10. Can't say much without seeing your code.
  11. You can pass the textbox or its contents to the method as an argument.
  12. Are you talking about Client Activated Remoting? If so then search VS help for "Client Activated Remoting". Also look here ....http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/dnpatterns/html/ImpBrokerClient.asp
  13. Check out 101 vb.net samples http://msdn.microsoft.com/vbasic/downloads/samples/default.aspx There is a sample or two on remoting.
  14. Use a method for calculations. Think of properties as you would the properties of a button or a textbox.
  15. this may help http://download.microsoft.com/download/b/a/8/ba8b36d0-307c-4544-987e-f1089930ce61/FactSheetMWSv4.pdf or this http://soapclient.com/uddiadv.html
  16. Will you enter cities, zip or longitude and latitude?
  17. Robby

    Little Help...

    Not sure what type of apps you want to create so here are a few sites that should come in handy. http://www.xtremedotnettalk.com/showthread.php?threadid=49500 http://www.gotdotnet.com http://www.asp.net http://authors.aspalliance.com/ http://www.dotnetjunkies.com/ http://www.syncfusion.com/FAQ/WinForms/ http://samples.gotdotnet.com/quickstart/
  18. If you have lots of settings to save then Dereks' approach would be best.
  19. Second or Third normal is usually best. read this http://www.4guysfromrolla.com/webtech/042699-1.shtml
  20. SqlClient is also 100 columns max. A way around this is to design your table structure with some normalization.
  21. It seems that the OLE DA is limited to 100 columns.
  22. Into another application?
  23. Are you using OLEDB or SqlClient ? (Not that it should make any difference)
  24. iebidan, are you going to deliver the bug fixes to Bill personally ? :)
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