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Everything posted by Robby

  1. Here's an easy to follow sample using a Factory Pattern. http://www.c-sharpcorner.com/Code/2002/July/GenericDataAccessCompActivator.asp
  2. g_r_a_robinson, your approach of creating them only as needed is the best approach, why create one if it won't be used. And if there are objects that may be used by other clients such as States in a Dropdown then consider using the Cache instead.
  3. Also, if the changes are only to the aspx file and don't involve renaming of controls or new controls that require server-side handling then simply saving the changes will do. (There is no need to recompile) Also, if you have multiple porjects you can exclude some from the recompile list in the solution properties.
  4. When you set GridLayout and start moving a control around the page it will create an in-line style so as to give absolute positioning whereas GridLayout FlowLayout will just place one control after another. I suggest GridLayout and set your own styles. Perhaps you can create a Panel or HTML Table for the main body (let's say 600x400) and place the footer below it (with Relative positioning)
  5. Imagine if they didn't cover ASP.NET in those books :) How many more complaints would there be?
  6. SqlDataAdapter and SqlDataClient are only for SQL Server 7 and 2000, OraDataClient is for Oracle, OleDBDataAdapter and all OleDbData onjects are for the rest of the data providers such as MS Access. However there are more data clients in development for other providers
  7. It would be just as easy.
  8. Can't you use one dataset with multiple datatables, this will make it easier to create relationships between tables.
  9. Maybe its best you outline (to us) what each class is handling, an object model if you will.
  10. Would it not be better to take the guts out of class1 and place it in it's own class and not have the form stuff in there. Then you can inherit it. Otherwise it just sounds like a bunch of functions.
  11. He's talking about the SDK not Visual Studio. Anand, you can get more info here http://msdn.microsoft.com/netframework/
  12. Really? It should work.
  13. Well I think we've milked it enough.
  14. Hmm, what did you expect, for us to ship you a free book? :) There are plenty of free on-line articles, just follow some of the above links.
  15. use Reflection (there are other goodies in the class) ie. System.Reflection.Assembly.GetCallingAssembly.GetName.Name.ToString
  16. do you mean like this http://www.redcross.org/services/disaster/beprepared/fdpall.pdf
  17. No books listed but worth a look http://www.xtremedotnettalk.com/showthread.php?threadid=69808
  18. If this thread is going to take a left turn I will shut it down.
  19. I doubt that you'll find such a grid for free.
  20. Of course there are times when you need to put (let's say)DataRelations in the business class, something like this couldn't be in a black box.
  21. Do want to do a Client/Server application for the PDA? You can use the InferRed for that.
  22. Robby


    The code for SD is the same as what Alex provided... DataRow dr = Me.BindingContext(hole).Current; Int HoleID = dr("HoleIDColumnName");
  23. I can't see any reason for a 2-3 second delay for two records let alone 200 records unless there is a network issue. Is the datasource on a local drive? If so, let's see the code you used.
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