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Everything posted by Robby

  1. Kaklua01's example is not only proper but will make more sense if you in the future may need to set that property at design time, because using a public variable (strLinkURL) is not something you should even consider. Get in to the habit of using Properties and get rid of those public variables.
  2. I think what kahlua001 is suggesting is to create your own property where you can set whatever you want. (either at runtime or design)
  3. Does each field Allow Edit ? (ReadOnly = False)
  4. What's your code look like in the OpenFileDialog ?
  5. That connection string was probably setup using a wizard, if you want to set a DB file at runtime then you will need to set the entire connection string at runtime. Either way runtime is the easiest way.
  6. What is the context of the application?
  7. In your form load event do the the following... If Not IsPostBack Then CallMyCreateControlRoutine() End If
  8. Can you post your code. Also, are you using any wizards to setup your DB stuff?
  9. try this: select max(newsid) as mID from tblNews If you use the Group By then you will get the max of each group
  10. Yeah, Visual Studio .NET :)
  11. It sounds like your doing it right, I'll look into it later I don't have .net here.
  12. You can change these parameters in the property window of the project (setup)
  13. While in Windows Explorer right-click on the mdb file and add ASPNET as a user in the security tab.
  14. Is the grid filled in the page load only on not postback and is the grid filled again in the page index change event. If so, then let's see your code.
  15. You can call an ExecuteScalar with "Select count(*) from ....." The reader should however have .FieldCount, SqlClient has one.
  16. I don't understand what you mean by "VB image". Is it an embedded image in the exe or from file?
  17. There's no need to worry. Sessions are not share between different clients, they each get their own object.
  18. Yes it is possible, you would use this method if you don't want data binding. (A few other reasons too :) ) I can't give you code, I'm sure someone else will.
  19. Ctrl+F5 lauches IE asynchronously, meaning that VS does not attach itself to the browser, this is true in Release and Debug modes. F5 launches the browser while it is attached to VS so you can Step-Through r debug your code, this is also tru while in Release mode (Although you cannot step-through)
  20. You can't inherit System.Windows.Forms in an ASP.NET form.
  21. Copy this update statement and run it in Query Analyzer or whichever provider you're using and see if it's functional.
  22. James, Another way is to handle your paging in a stored proc, but I would follow Nerseus' advice on not returning all the records to the client in the first place. Perhaps by default return top n sorted by date or whatever then allow the user to drill down.
  23. Joe, you may already be aware on much of this, it may still be worth a look...http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/dndive/html/data010112001.asp
  24. What I would do is reformat the tags, save and close the aspx file, then re-open it and the tags would remain formatted the way I'd arranged them. But it doesn't seem to work anymore.
  25. Since this should've been in Random Thoughts, this makes it 2999. I couldn't resist either. :)
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