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Everything posted by Robby

  1. Are you talking about tooltips in your code? If so, you can't change it.
  2. You can place this around the panel... <div style="OVERFLOW:auto; WIDTH:100%; HEIGHT:250px"> For popup windows use Javascript
  3. You need to parse the code and generate the tags yourself.
  4. Well if you're trying to do it on the server then it'll work, I'm not sure how but you can probably do this as a service.
  5. You can setup a simple web service to monitor the progress or stutus of the Windows service.
  6. what data type is 'myDateTimeValue' [edit]Disregard what I said, I see that it's a string :)
  7. Is it a 'Smart Device' or 'Pocket PC', and if it's Pocket PC is it 2003 ?
  8. The entire dataload should be moved into it's own routine, then in the page laod event call this dataload sub only if it's not a postback.ie if not IsPostBack then LoadMyData() end if You should also call LoadMyData() when changes are made to the database.
  9. You can close a browser that you opened through code, let's say ... myWin = window.open("SomePage.aspx".......
  10. Nope again.
  11. Nope......
  12. http://samples.gotdotnet.com/QuickStart/winforms/default.aspx?url=/quickstart/winforms/doc/DataAccessPlaceHolder.aspx
  13. Does the browser allow JavaScript? Also, if this is a shared hosting environment make sure that this file is in the root of your application 'asp_client/system_web/1_1_4322/WebUIValidation.js'
  14. Thank god it doesn't work from a web page image the caos some sites would inflict. You can use window.open in JavaScript
  15. Lemon are you talking about 'selected' items in a Datagrid?
  16. Using the Datadapter to capture errors is one way of handling things; 'da = DataAdapter 'ds = Dataset da.ContinueUpdateOnError = True da.Update (ds, "SomeTable") If ds.Table(0).HasErrors Then Dim dr As DataRow = ds.Table(0).GetErrors() 'Iterate the dr to get the errors End If
  17. Err, yeah.
  18. Where is flag and LoopCounter set on the client or server?
  19. There is no file with SQL Server, have a look at this sample ... http://samples.gotdotnet.com/QuickStart/winforms/default.aspx?url=/quickstart/winforms/doc/DataAccessPlaceHolder.aspx
  20. Change all your OleDb to SQL (Import System.Data.SqlClient) once you do that you don't need Provider in your connection string
  21. Cursor.Current = New Cursor(Application.StartupPath & "\SomeCursor.cur")
  22. you can use the following to get the column name, then do something similiar for the row contents....(place it in the CurrentCellChanged event of the datagrid) Dataset1.Tables(0).Columns(Datagrid1.CurrentCell.ColumnNumber).ColumnName.ToString
  23. Robby

    Exit if

    As George said "why do you need to exit if", perhaps restructure your If condition or add more to it.
  24. Are there any items in the drop down (Server names, second tab)
  25. Copy this into a text file and save it with a UDL extension. [oledb] ; Everything after this line is an OLE DB initstring Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Persist Security Info=False;Initial Catalog=master;Data Source=localhost
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