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Everything posted by Robby

  1. They invested time and money to write 3 million lines of code and they're will to scrap it? This sounds crazy, there must be something fundamentally wrong with the application to begin with, I think they should re-visit the design model and figure it out. The only viable solution that may come close to .NET is J2EE, read this article and judge for yourself - keep in mind that it comes from a Java shop.... http://www.exia.net/html/app/sitecontent/CGI%20Dot%20Net%20vs%20J2EE.pdf
  2. My suggestion is learn .NET and do it properly yourself without using any upgrade wizards. Nothing good will come from any upgrader. The code that the wizard generates is plain crap and does not adhere to .NET concepts and methods.
  3. These settings are VS wide, they are not project specific.
  4. I changed a couple of settings and it seems to have done the trick. VS menu item Options | HTML/XML | General| Enable virtual spaces = false Tabs | Indenting = None Tabs | Keep Tabs = true Format | When saving document = false Format |When switching design to html = false Format | Apply line breaks = false HTML Specific | Enable HTML validation = false
  5. Remove the Style from the datagrid.
  6. Do you have 2002 or 2003 ?
  7. ItemDataboud is fired during binding.
  8. HOw do you expect this to work??? For i = 0 To ds.Tables("includes").Rows.Count.ToString - 1 Why would you convert the count to strng? The first thing you need to do is place Option Strict at the top of every code page.
  9. ControlChars.NewLine
  10. If you want it to be bigger than the solution ex then move it out (so they don't share the same space) and set it either by itself or share with another window. It's really a lot of trial-and-error.
  11. Sorry Daspoo this is not the problem at hand, that MS article talks about closing tags for all your elements. This auto-format problem is much deeper than that.
  12. Robby

    image refresh

    You cannot refresh the page from the server code, it should be done on the client through code or the Meta tags of the page. (<meta HTTP-EQUIV="REFRESH" CONTENT="10">)
  13. It really is not a good idea to change the permissions of ASPNET, then the code itself will have full control over the server.
  14. If you set the correct permissions to a web directory then clients cannot view the files, only your code can.
  15. What's Dc++ ? Is this going to be a Windows form or web?
  16. Did you set the window as 'Floating'?
  17. Are you talking about adding buttons, textboxes and such onto a wep page (aspx) at runtime? If so then the answer is yes. Each control has a Controls collection including the page itself. so you can do this Panel1.Controls.Add(TexBox1) or this Page.Controls.Add(Button1)
  18. In the ItemTemplate of your grid place something like this... 'aspx file <%# myFunction(DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "myColumnName")) %> 'code behind file Public Function myFunction(ByVal s As Object) As String If IsDBNull(s) Then Return "" Else Return s & "Something else here" End If End Function
  19. or... Dim Select_all As New Odbc.OdbcDataAdapter("Select * from stock where din='" & txtStartDate.Text & "'", Connection)
  20. Joe, if you are redirecting to a page on the same server and you would like to mantain viewstate use Server.Transfer("SubmitOk.aspx")
  21. This has NOTHING to do with Microsoft or its stronghold on the software community. It has to do with other browsers not parsing a page as they should be. The only thing that the validators do is use some simple JavaScript, this is not rocket-science.
  22. It's not a quirk, it can't validate properly if the scripts are missing.
  23. On my shared environment the files were not there so I uploaded them myself and all is well.
  24. Robby

    .NET error

    Actualy I've seen 'System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermissions, mscorlib' when the framework is missing.
  25. Robby

    .NET error

    Does that machine have the .NET Framework?
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