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Everything posted by Robby

  1. In J# it's TextBox1.set_Text and .get_Text This may help http://samples.gotdotnet.com/quickstart/latebreaking/default.aspx?url=/quickstart/latebreaking/quickstartinfo.aspx?id=1081&lang=VJS
  2. I think that Joe ment to see your code.
  3. This book has a chapter on MSF and much more, it's an easy read.... http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/0735618941/ref=sib_rdr_dp/103-5533227-9942247?%5Fencoding=UTF8&no=283155&me=ATVPDKIKX0DER&st=books
  4. Assuming that the ID column is numeric you may want to get rid of the single quotes and converting the value to Int, I'm not sure of any J# syntax.... SqlCommand myCommand = new SqlCommand("Insert into employee(id, name, pass) values(" + Convert.ToInt32(TextBoxID.Text) + ",'" + TextBox1.Text + "','" + TextBox2.Text + "')", sqlConnection1);
  5. I describe three methods here http://www.xtremedotnettalk.com/showthread.php?t=78434
  6. If you're using SQL Server you can schedule DTS Packages.
  7. You'll need to use JavaScript/Client.
  8. Siobi, I understand you're new to this board but please read the thread before reviving a three month old thread, the answer as I've already stated is in my second post.
  9. In your cod you still have %, also do a MessageBox/Trace on strSQL and paste it here.
  10. Here's an example of using a Delete statement with a Join... delete Table1 FROM Table1 INNER JOIN Table2 ON Table1.myID = Table2.myID WHERE Table2.myID = XXX I suggest creating a Select that includes all three tables then when the data returned is as expected then convert it into a Delete. I guarantee that it will take about a second to execute in or out of a stored proc.
  11. Oh... I thought users were choosing which items to delete, since there is no user intervention I would do this in a stored proc, I realize that you're satisfied with the perfomance but it's still 22 seconds too long.
  12. Are you in a loop while doing this?
  13. Yeah it's too bad that many of these article including many books don't use code-behind. I'm sure you'll figure it out.
  14. This design has a large overhead, can't you join the three tables in a single select, show the results to the end user, let them select the items to delete by way of checkBoxes and then delete the selected items. Just an idea.
  15. Are you executing the Delete while in the DR loop? If so then the DR still has an open conn to the data.
  16. Is the data bound to a Dataset or Dataview or ?
  17. Check out Cutom Paging in this article, you can modify it to your specs http://www.4guysfromrolla.com/webtech/082901-1.shtml
  18. I sampled the one that Alex recommended and it is a pretty neat grid.
  19. Are you re-loading the data in your Page Load event each time, if so ... use IsPostBack to test for postback .
  20. No doubt that it can be done, iterate the datatable creating a row for every column found. I still can't understand the reason for this design unless it's some sort of aggregate report or pivot table you want to setup you may be better off doing this in the database using strored procs and such.
  21. JABE, the problem is that he said the datgrid doesn't take kindly to Dataviews, I'm not really sure why though. :(
  22. I like CR for its ease of use, but yes there are some growing pains involved for large scale applications. I have used ExcelWriter from SoftArtisans ( http://officewriter.softartisans.com/officewriter-37.aspx ), they have some great products.
  23. What exactly are you trying to do?
  24. They must have a ReadOnly property. ??
  25. In other word Replace all single quotes with two single quotes. s = s.replace("'","''")
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