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Everything posted by Robby

  1. www.w3schools.com/xml is only a start.
  2. look into using Net.WebClient()
  3. Robby

    hash table

    You can't just add a form to the hash table, you can add its contents though.
  4. I think that it's Oracle complaining about one of the fields being null, this is not a complaint from .NET. The reason your getting a Zero is that Total is initialized as zero, it's not coming from the executeScalar. Handling this depends on what you want to do in case one of the columns is null, do you still want to SUM the remaining columns?
  5. For boolean you can use 1 for True and 0 for False
  6. Aside from using a database, you can use XML files.
  7. Looks like a good deal.
  8. You can use DateTime and DateDiff() to calc the difference in minutes, then for the Sum you can use int or float.(depending on the precision you need)
  9. Good tip, I have never needed it but I can see it coming in handy, thanks.
  10. It can but this would be handled on the client, maybe with JS
  11. A user can never expect to get new results (non-cached) when they hit the back button, I wouldn't break my head over it.
  12. Robby

    ASP to .NET

    Let's say you have a function in the code-behind that does something like this... Public function GetMyMessage(byval str as string)as string if str = "hello" then return str & " world" else return "you didn't say hello" end if end function Then in your aspx code... <%#GetMyMessage("hello")%>
  13. It may be that both the panel and table are in the exact same position.
  14. Do you have any error handling that is ignoring errors? Run that query directly in Query Analyzer.
  15. Robby

    ASP to .NET

    Although I agree with Paul and Arch's comments, I think Niros is using DataBinding in a DataGrid, something like this.... Text='<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container, "DataItem.someField") %>' When you bind the control at design time, allowing the columns to be generated automaticaly you end up with the above code, however you can create your own dataTable or dataSet and not need to use <% %>.
  16. If there will be that many redims then do it in chunks of 10 or 100. Use MOD 100 or something to that affect.
  17. First thing is get rid of this Dim DList(10000, 1) As String do this instead Dim DList(,) As String then inside your loop place a counter (x) and do this Redim Preserve DList(1,x) x += 1
  18. I created a code organizer a couple of years ago in VB6, you can download it, it's free http://www.bassicsoftware.com/Products.aspx, I never got around to re-writting it in .NET, maybe one day.
  19. Have a look here http://authors.aspalliance.com/wisemonk/view.aspx?id=AN062322
  20. Is it in binary type or just the path pointing to the image location?
  21. No, I meant within Access, Menu item... Tools | Security | User and Group Permissions Verify the Owner name
  22. That's what I thought, you can't really get an accurate counter when retrieving from a DB.
  23. It depends on what the function is doing, does it have a pre-determined end value? If not it will be very hard to maintain an accurate progress bar.
  24. Open the security dialog and check who's the Owner listed
  25. Did you create the Access DB as a different Owner then Admin?
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