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Everything posted by Robby

  1. Do you have the following line in InitializeComponent() this.Calendar1.SelectionChanged += new System.EventHandler(this.Calendar1_SelectionChanged);
  2. Seems that it cannot open a connection to your database. Verify your conection string and/or your connection object.
  3. One of us miss-understood the other, my site while using asp.net is "lightning fast" I never used PHP and have no intention to do so. :)
  4. My location should have nothing to do with it, even while I'm on VPN it's the same thing, my VPN resolves in NJ and/or VA, all other sites fly compared to this one. I host my own site in AZ and that's an extra couple of thousand miles further and it's still lightning fast.
  5. I have 2800 Kbits/sec (350 Kbytes/sec) at home and I still find it too slow. :(
  6. The (X) top-right which you would think closes the app in fact does not, it simply hides the form (even the main), you need to trap the event and then call the Close method.
  7. What does your code look like so far?
  8. Hmm, I thoought the 101 would have such a sample. I'll see if I can find one.
  9. http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/cpref/html/frlrfsystemwebuihtmlcontrolshtmlinputfileclasstopic.asp
  10. you can use a System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlInputFile control on your form
  11. It will not allow you to go back from the root of the wwwroot, you need to fix your hierachy so it doesn't happen. (I didn't take the time to read the specifics of your post, but that's the brunt of it)
  12. Using a couple of datagrids on a form is one way to go, have a look at the following samples. Here's for a web page ... http://www.dotnetjunkies.com/Tutorial/47792CB0-0990-4BD8-BF84-B6063C4C9BBC.dcik WinForm ... http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=308484
  13. look here... http://www.xtremedotnettalk.com/showthread.php?t=86703&highlight=webclient
  14. Is it stored in binary/image or string path to HDD? Is it to be displayed on a web page or WinForm?
  15. You're absolutely right, I don't know the reason for anyone else, but I'm working 90 to 100 hours per week. :( And yeah even with high-speed the pages are quite bloated.
  16. hmmm, you still didn't get it right. ( R o b b y ) :)
  17. WebMatrix from www.asp.net has its own server,, I don't know if it works on the mac. [edit]I just checked and you can't use it on a mac, sorry
  18. Robby


    You don't need a seperate class for this, you can just create a sub like this... Private sub FormatGrid(byRef dg as Datagrid) with dg .Do stuff to format the grid here end with end sub Then to use this in your code.... FormatGrid(myFirstGrid) FormatGrid(mySecondGrid) FormatGrid(myThirdGrid)
  19. In your loop you can check for TypeOf, Also, if you have containers such as Panels, you can loop just those containers you want.
  20. D'OH! I just used NVL( ) a few weeks ago.
  21. Who's Bobby? :):):)
  22. First of all the arg in your constructor should be "byVal intOption as DropListOptions" Next, remove all that code form the constructor and create a Method/Function that returns the ArrrayList, this way you can set the returned arrayList as the DataSource of your DDL. Makes sense?
  23. If you want to use Windows authentication you only need to check if the person IsInRole or not, the you can go ahead and tell the internal process that the person is valid, one way is to Impersonate.
  24. I'll test it out in TOAD tomorrow and let you know.
  25. OpenRead will stream the contents of the page to you so you can parse it. DownLoadFile allows you to download files such as images here's a sample.... Dim sr As IO.StreamReader Dim wc As New Net.WebClient() sr = New IO.StreamReader(wc.OpenRead(THE_URL)) sim s as string s = sr.ReadToEnd sr.DiscardBufferedData() sr.Close() wc.Dispose() 's will contain all the html
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