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Everything posted by Robby

  1. Sorry dexmix, I couldn't help but laugh. :)
  2. I feel like I'm on a dial-up.
  3. I don't think so. I guess that you can use the Matrix to geenrate the code then paste it into the .NET IDE. I find there are many limitations in ASP.NET Matrix.
  4. Also, the Framework is only 20 megs, a VB6 app with a few controls may be 5 or 10 megs.
  5. Are you Binding the data or Adding the data?
  6. This has been asked here many, many times. The short answer is... they are very different. The long answer is ... VB6 vs .NET
  7. As Derek said 'You can do it either way', I mentioned it because you didn't use the enums, so I thought maybe you had trouble accessing them.
  8. I'm posting a reply only because you had this question in another thread. Regarding the enums. I noticed that you created 2 files for them, you can create one file and place the class tags around both enums, maybe call it Enums. It won't need a constructor or anything. Then you can just Dim x as Enums or even Dim x as Enums.Suits.
  9. In control panel > Add/Remove Programs > Add/Remove Windows Components > then select Internet Information Services (IIS). you will need your WIN2k CD for this. And do this only after you un-install the .NET Framework (also in Add/Remove Programs)
  10. Are you sure that you have Win2k? Did you install IIS? If you have not, you need to un-install the Framework, install IIS then re-install the Framework. (not .NET, just the Framework)
  11. Here's a sample, using C#, ASP and XML, all the code is in the Code-Behind. The exact same methods can be used with VB.NET. All controls are placed into a PlaceHolder. BTW, place the entire folder (solution) in an IIS environment. videostoreshared1.zip
  12. another way is to right-click the My Computer on your Desktop > Manage > then select Internet Information Services
  13. do you have 'Handles MyBase.Load' at the end of your sub (line)
  14. open Control Panel > Admin Tools > Internet Services Manager... Then click Defaul WEb Browser, find your project, right-click to open Properties and click Create.
  15. You can declare the public enum above your class and can be seen by the project. If you want to see it from other projects in your solution, declare it inside its' own class then access it like this... dim x as ProjectName.EnumsClassName.EnumsName something = x.EnumValue
  16. No one said it was a virus. I just said...'Imagine what some web sites could do to our machines'
  17. This " run ounce kida thing " is not considered safe. Imagine what some web sites could do to our machines. ugh!!!
  18. nicely done divil.
  19. what is 'a as object' supposed to be?
  20. If you place your routine in the code-behind, there's no reason why it doesn't work. public sub runIt(a as object, e as eventargs, pnlName as panel) pnlName.visible=true end sub
  21. I'm with Volte, I felt like a total newbie the first couple of days, then I started with a few walkthroughs, and well I really don't want to go back to VB6. BTW, I'm also loving C#.
  22. If you have an entire year to complete this project then by all means use .net, you'll be an expert by the time you finish. The IDE does require more memory and speed, but hey, it's doing a lot more work then the VB6 IDE.
  23. From what I've read so far (from MS) is that they will not ensure the future of the Compatability namespace.
  24. I agree with Derek...it was "cheap crap". The .net combo/list is much more powerful.
  25. In case you want to use a For/next loop ... For nCounter = 0 To lstSelDir.Items.Count - 1 If (System.IO.Directory.Exists(lstSelDir.Items.Item(nCounter)) = False) Then lstSelDir.Items.RemoveAt(nCounter) end if Next
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