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Everything posted by Robby

  1. I agree with the str, int, dbl thing for local variabes, it looks ugly and more typing for nothing. But in the last project I did, there were so many objects, sometimes they were passed to be used locally and sometimes they were instanciated in the constructors, it would've been very hard to follow if not for the m_ . Just my opinion. :)
  2. which method are you using to open the connection?
  3. How do you distinguish member vars? I gotta say, I recently finished a contract in an envirnoment with a dozen other programmers (.NET) and we all used each others' classes, these types of naming convensions were very helpful.
  4. In all fairness, Derek's my hero too, he's the guru around here.
  5. It was bothering me that the ide didn't remove the spaces that were not within quotes. Idiot me, the spaces I had were inside the quotes. OOOOOPS.
  6. oh yeah, member variables ... m_SomeVar
  7. yeaaah that's it, golf, like golf scores Bucky. hehehe
  8. I figured the best way for him to understand it was to leave visible spaces, I find it wierd that the ide doesn't fix it. For sure C# doesn't but usually VB does. Oh well.
  9. nicely done, I'll try it out later.
  10. I do the same for short lived variables. (x,y,z, fs, sr). For Each is supposed to be faster in .NET.
  11. hmm, I thought you had it working when I gave you the exact same answer?
  12. the sql shoul look like this... Dim objDateDataAdapter As New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter("SELECT DATE FROM Shipping WHERE SHIP_TO = ' " & strSelected & " ' ", OleDbConnection1)
  13. I still use Hungarian for controls, but I realized recently that I no longer like it for variables. I find myself using camelCase in C# and PascalCase in VB. No good reason, it just turned out that way.
  14. Go into the form's properties, CancelButton should equal whatever button you use to Close the form.
  15. Private Sub frmGame_KeyDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs) Handles MyBase.KeyDown 'you can use ... e.KeyCode plus other methods within End Sub
  16. Well there's your answer. Only make changes in that section if your are certain of what you're doing, otherwise the designer cannot render the page.
  17. Did you change any of the code that the designer adds to the "Windows Form Designer generated code" section?
  18. When you say 'lblItem, txtItem, etc..' do you mean the naming of controls?
  19. if ID (in the table) is numeric then it should be something like this. strSQL = "SELECT * FROM Shipping WHERE ID = " & ctype(searchNum,integer)
  20. Is the fields' data type text (string) ?
  21. I recommend http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/1861007167/qid%3D1038505450/sr%3D11-1/ref%3Dsr%5F11%5F1/104-1478653-3102335
  22. I don't think that you can declare them with a for/loop, especially if you are going to add event handelers to the controls. I may be wrong though.
  23. There have been many ideas posted on http://www.visualbasicforum.com
  24. Can you paste come of the code that gives you the error.
  25. What do you have so far? Do you need a connection string? Is it for Access or Sql Sever or?
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