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Everything posted by Robby

  1. try this ... dim Col1 as Color.Red Button1.BackColor = Col1
  2. I can't remember on XP, (it should be the same) open "Internet Services Manager" from Adminstrative tools then click on you computer server name and see if Default Web Site is RUNNING. Also, find your project folder in Default Web Site and right-click on it to get its' Properties... in the Property Dialog there is a button next to Application Name, does it say Create or Remove? If it says Create Click on it.
  3. Do you get any errors while the Solution is loading into the .NET envirnoment? Does the IIS start with your solution?
  4. is the VB sub called before or after Postback?
  5. Do you open your projects from the SLN file (Solution)?
  6. Then in the form Load you can check ... if IsPostBack then 'do something end if
  7. Why are you using the doPostBack, a control that is Runat Server will Postback on its own.
  8. You can use the Delete sql statement using the OleDbCommand or SqlCommand method ExecuteNonQuery.
  9. Originally posted by divil DirectCast(DirectCast(sender, RadioButton).Tag, String) Very nice.
  10. You got the error message because you had the project already open in .NET, close .NET and try again. Do you get an error message when opening your project? If not, then change mine to "http://yaniv2/shoresh/TestWebPage.vbproj"
  11. You need only one Timer control, and you can use the Tick event. Set the property Enabled to True and the Intervals to 1000.
  12. open picturealbum.vbproj.webinfo from your project and this file TestWebPage.vbproj.webinfo from my project... Open both in Notepad.... what is the URL in each? paste them here.
  13. You main problem may be in the picturealbum.vbproj.webinfo file. the URL is "http://yaniv2/shoresh/picturealbum/picturealbum.vbproj" and it should be "http://localhost/picturealbum/picturealbum.vbproj". Let me know if this works for you... testwebpage.zip
  14. You should have a folder in the wwwroot called picturealbum (probably). Everything you need is in that folder, that's the folder to zip.
  15. It's probably because the Solution gets saved (by default) to My Projects, I always prfer to save the solution with the rest of the files in the wwwroot. It make it more portable. Just a piece of advice to all.
  16. I can't see a good reason to do this, but if you really want you can use a timer. I would use a label for this.
  17. I doubt you can have both at the same time. (I'm geussing)
  18. no problem... also, if you want to remove the clicked item once it's in the textbox... If Not AddToTextbox(ListBox1.SelectedItem) Then MessageBox.Show("sorry all text boxes are full") Else ListBox1.Items.RemoveAt(ListBox1.SelectedIndex) End If
  19. here's a small sample... Private Sub ListBox1_DoubleClick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ListBox1.DoubleClick If Not AddToTextbox(ListBox1.SelectedItem) Then MessageBox.Show("sorry all text boxes are full") End If End Sub Private Function AddToTextbox(ByVal txt As String) As Boolean Dim ctr As Control For Each ctr In Me.Controls If TypeOf ctr Is TextBox Then If ctr.Text.Length = 0 Then ctr.Text = txt Return True Exit Function End If End If Next Return False End Function
  20. The easiest way... Start a new Windows Application then copy your Classes and Modules to that project.
  21. If your project is not too large, can you zip it and post it here, because I can't see why a control placed at design time is not rendering.
  22. The reason I ask is because you seemed baffled by Derek's statement on Code-Behind.
  23. you can use this to get the value of each item selected... Dim nCounter As Integer For nCounter = List1.Items.Count To 1 Step -1 If List1.GetSelected(nCounter - 1) = True Then MessageBox.Show(List1.Items.Item(nCounter - 1)) End If Next And please DO NOT report a post unless you have a valid reason. It is not to get our attention to merely answer your threads.
  24. Can you post some of the code? :)
  25. Instead of Build and Browse, hit the F5 key. Is the button a WebControl or an HTML button?
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