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Everything posted by Robby

  1. Did you not see the code sample in my second post of the above link?
  2. This should help http://www.xtremedotnettalk.com/showthread.php?t=86703&highlight=webclient
  3. Here's a snippet of code that works.... BEGIN TRANSACTION DECLARE @Sql VARCHAR(8000) DECLARE @Crlf NCHAR(2) DECLARE @Tab NCHAR(1) SET @Crlf = CHAR(13) + CHAR(10) SET @Tab = CHAR(9) SET @Sql = 'BEGIN TRANSACTION' + @Crlf + 'INSERT INTO' + @Crlf + 'AIM_SSPLVS_Dosage_Factor_Cost' + @Crlf + @Tab + '(Producer_Type,' + @Crlf + @Tab + 'Producer_Type_Id,' + @Crlf + @Tab + 'Level2_Name,' + @Crlf + @Tab + 'Level2_Id,' + @Crlf + @Tab + 'Level3_Name,' + @Crlf + @Tab + 'Level3_Id,' + @Crlf + @Tab + 'Cost_Per_Dose,' + @Crlf + @Tab + 'Cost_Per_Year,' + @Crlf + @Tab + 'Doses_Per_Year)' + @Crlf + 'VALUES (' + '''' + @Producer_Type + ''',' + @Crlf + @Tab + convert(nvarchar(3),@Producer_Type_Id) + ',' + @Crlf + @Tab + '''' + @Level2_Name + ''',' + @Crlf + @Tab + convert(nvarchar(3),@Level2_Id) + ',' + @Crlf + @Tab + '''' + @Level3_Name + ''',' + @Crlf + @Tab + convert(nvarchar(3),@Level3_Id) + ',' + @Crlf + @Tab + convert(nvarchar(3),0) + ',' + @Crlf + @Tab + convert(nvarchar(3),0) + ',' + @Crlf + @Tab + convert(nvarchar(3),0) + ')' + @Crlf + 'COMMIT TRANSACTION' PRINT @SQL + @Crlf + @Crlf --EXEC (@SQL) --uncomment this line to execute the above code COMMIT TRANSACTION
  4. Or you can use ... If Not x = 10 then
  5. I couldn't imagine doing more than 2 in the same day. They take between 1 and 2 hours each to complete.
  6. Also, is the control declared at the top of your code-behind?
  7. Cool, as long as it works now.
  8. Is the Infragistics.webui.ultrawebgrid created at run-time? Also, you should change 'Dim row as string' to 'Dim row as Integer'
  9. This sounded so weird that I had to try it for myself, you are correct.
  10. This should do it.... dim cStyle as DataGridColumnStyle cStyle = dataGrid2.TableStyles(dvOrderDetails.Table.TableName).GridColumnStyles(dataGrid2.CurrentCell.ColumnNumber) dataGrid2.EndEdit(cStyle, dataGrid2.CurrentCell.RowNumber, false) dvOrderDetails.Table.Rows(dataGrid2.CurrentCell.RowNumber).EndEdit()
  11. Your code is not really Templating it's a UserControl. To add a userControl at run-time do the following... 'At the top of your page inside your class.... Private myHeader As Control = LoadControl("UserControl/myHeader.ascx") 'Then in your init event .... Me.Controls.Add(myHeader) 'Or you can add it to a Panel or something
  12. You're using the same instance of the object, you should create a NEW instance if you want to call it twice. (Don't forget to dispose the previous one if you're done with it)
  13. try this... mydatagrid.Columns.Item(0).Visible = false
  14. The first thing that stands out is this line... If udt > "" Then Try this instead... If Not udt.Length = 0 Then Also, is the text box bound to a table? Tip: place Option Strict On at the top of all your code pages.
  15. Sorry Ira I forgot that MCAD needs only 2 core and 1 elective, PD is correct.
  16. This has little to do with thick or thin client since users are gaining access through TS. For now you have 80 users, how many at the same time and what about a year from now? For the possibility that these numbers may grow I would suggest SQL Server. You can still use Access reports by creating an Access project and linking to the SQL Server tables. This does make sense since clients will not require any software installed locally.
  17. Robby


    While in design view of your aspx page, double-click the linkButton, then place this code in the click event routine.... Label1.Visible = Not Label.Visible
  18. I have spelled out a few options here http://www.bassicsoftware.com/popup.aspx?b_id=156
  19. Sorry I haven't replied since last week.... Joe, the practice exams on the CD (shipped with the 4 book set) are very typical of the real exams, the answers are correct but they should only be used as a guideline of what's in store for the real exam. However, there are many questions in the real exam that are not cover verbatim in the books, they require either common sense/experience or sometimes they may even be subjective especially the 70-300 Architecture exam. IraSmith, No, you need to do the core exams for the MCAD, you can however do - let's say - WinForms VB then WinForms C# but then you'll be missing an exam for the MCSD.
  20. Yeah, I found many of the questions had many possible correct answers, if only they would've mentioned that there were n correct as apposed to whichever are correct. (As they did in all the other exams) Denaes, This 4 book set is a very good place to start... http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0735619255/qid%3D1091133355/sr%3D11-1/ref%3Dsr%5F11%5F1/104-7849757-4366362 It goes beyond the scope of the exams (that's a good thing)
  21. I finished the MCSD a few months ago, they are not easy, my suggestion is to do them in this order... ASP.NET (305 or 315) WebService (310 or 320) WinForms (306 or 316) ---------------MCAD Complete Elective (I did SQL Server 2000 (229)) Architecture (300) ---------------MCSD Complete the lower numbers are VB.NET, the higher ones are C#)
  22. You need to give a physical path not a virtual one.
  23. A webService could be a solution for the read-only DB.
  24. Use a Datalist instead of a datagid
  25. You can run an EXE from Oracle and SQL Server but I doubt you can run a specific piece of code.
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