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Everything posted by Robby

  1. The datagrid was designed to bind to dataset, as Threads suggested, maybe a Listview would suit you better.
  2. Are you creating them in your wwwroot folder?
  3. Here's one way of doing it, it is a lot of code and maybe not as easy as crystal.2-printtable.zip
  4. To repeat, is the "stay on top" feature of your task bar on or off?
  5. You're using vbScript on the server-side? (or did you mean VB.NET?) I'm not sure I understand your question. You can use IsPostBack in the form load event to check if it's a post back or not. NOt sure if that's what you're looking for.
  6. You can't use Where ID = ...Because the sequence of numbers may be broken. Are you using a DataReader or..?
  7. Check out the numbers at EVBF ...http://www.nedstatbasic.net/s?tab=1&link=1&id=1998326
  8. Is the error during the main loading of the application? Are you doing any connection to a database or ...? Add some eror handling to at least get the correct messages.
  9. I started a new thread for you, the other one was 2 months old.
  10. We've had the same thing on our other forum (http://www.visualbasicforum.com) for a couple of years, I stumbled on it by accident.
  11. Yeah, that's one thing I don't have, stability. :(
  12. If you're using Datasets then open late and close early, easy enough. When it comes to other types of connections, it depends... If you have 10 subs all calling each other through a single user action, in other words the user clicks one button and all 10 subs are triggered, then by all means leave the connection open until all 10 are complete. I would have a hard time leaving a connection open during the life of an application. But then again it depends of the app.
  13. You can add it to the current aspx file as you would with classic asp.
  14. At the bottom left side of the home page, there's a small blue icon, click it. I'm not entirely sure if non-Mods have access to it. Try it out.
  15. I've never worked full-time, only on contracts. Mind you, some of them were on the clients' site 9 to 5 for several months, so I felt like an employee. Nothing beats contractual work. :)
  16. It sounds like the projects are not binding to the IIS. In control panel >> Add/Remove Programs >> then un-install "Microsoft .NET Framework" Then re-install the Framework. (It's on the .NET CD) Reason? It may be that the Framework was installed while the IIS was not running/installed.
  17. You need to use New for your first 3 declares.. Have a look at this http://www.xtremedotnettalk.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=69332&highlight=INSERT
  18. Is IIS running and did you create a virtual directory in IIS?
  19. I couldn't/wouldn't want to do a large project without Code-Behind.
  20. the sample from Codeless would never work because it's refering to a New instance of a Dropdown. Sorry I can't give you a solution.
  21. Your Zip did not contain a Web.config, I don't know if you forgot to include it or not. Keep in mind that you need every file in the project folder when transporting it for other developers. Anyway, here's a corrected version of your project. Let me know if it works. tvs.zip
  22. Wow, three others had the same problem this week. Did you change anything in the Autogen portion of the code? Is this ASP or Windows Forms?
  23. Can you post some of your code.
  24. Just to mention that DataSet.HasChanges is triggered only if the current user has made changes, it doesn't know about other user's datasets.
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