It looks like you want txtLast to display the value of Last for user 'tehon3299', am I correct?
try this...
Private Function GetTableValue(ByVal sUser As String) As String
Dim drSqlReader As SqlDataReader
Dim SqlCMD As SqlCommand
Dim SqlCN As New SqlConnection(Conn)'Conn is your connection string
Dim strSql As String, sTemp As String
If SqlCN.State = ConnectionState.Closed Then SqlCN.Open()
strSql = "SELECT Last FROM tmUserInfo WHERE UserID = '" & sUser & "'"
SqlCMD = New SqlCommand(strSql, SqlCN)
drSqlReader = SqlCMD.ExecuteReader()
While drSqlReader.Read
sTemp = CType(drSqlReader.Item("UserID"), String)
End While
sTemp = ""
If Not SqlCN.State = ConnectionState.Closed Then SqlCN.Close()
If Not drSqlReader.IsClosed Then drSqlReader.Close()
If Not SqlCMD Is Nothing Then SqlCMD.Dispose()
End Try
Return sTemp
End Function
'call the function like this...
txtLast.Text = GetTableValue ("tehon3299")