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About Robby

  • Birthday December 14

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    Software Developer

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  1. Cool, I hadn't noticed the post cout. It took us 3 years.
  2. It seems I didn't explain myself very well, although you're right in that I didn't read the entire article, the point I was trying to make was that using the legacy functions is expensive not referencing the libraries.
  3. You all made some good points but one thing that may have been missed: Using some of those legacy functions may impede performance not weather or not the Microsoft.VisualBasic is included in your assembly.
  4. Setr the CommandType to Stored Proc, and the SP name in CommandText. As long as you have a resultset coming back from the stored proc it will fill the dataset
  5. I didn't look at your code but you can try ... Image.Width = Unit.Pixel(100)
  6. Use the OnDayRender as shown in this sample... http://aspnet.4guysfromrolla.com/articles/041603-1.aspx
  7. moongodess, are refering to the info you put into Assembly.info file?
  8. I don't understand why you need this to be 'permanent' ???
  9. What language is it in?
  10. That's exactly what HTMLEncode does.
  11. Ot like Ingis stated; surround the string in quotes. :)
  12. Replace all spaces with %20
  13. JD, Of course, checking for Nothing should always be standard practice.
  14. JD, I really need to disagree with this statement... "Who's going to code that way every time you need to do a substring? No one." In the real world you would never get the Length of a string (or any property) unless it has already been asigned a value. Regardless of the property I need from str I will always check its' length first... If str.Length > 0 then
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