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  1. Muhad

    drill down

    Thanks for posting that link. This is exactly what I am trying to do. I have a headache! lolol
  2. First let me say I am just a novice with .net. Below is code as to how I put fields together in one column. I am not sure this is the best way but it does work. In --> DataGrid1_ItemDataBound... For i = 0 To DataGrid1.Items.Count - 1 If myDataSet.Tables(0).Rows.Count > 0 And DataGrid1.Items.Count > 0 Then ''DataGrid1.Items(i).Cells(0).Text = "<img border='0' src='Images\arrow_right.gif' height='16' width='16'>" DataGrid1.Items(i).Cells(1).Text = "<img border='0' src='" & myDataSet.Tables(0).Rows(i).Item("Smiley") & "' height='16' width='16'>" ' Works strdatajoin = "<a href='Details2.aspx?Name=" strTildeQuote = myDataSet.Tables(0).Rows(i).Item("Name") strTildeQuote = strTildeQuote.Replace("'", "~") strdatajoin = strdatajoin & strTildeQuote strdatajoin = strdatajoin & "&Category=" strdatajoin = strdatajoin & myDataSet.Tables(0).Rows(i).Item("Category") strdatajoin = strdatajoin & "'><font color='#008B8B' weight='bolder''>" strdatajoin = strdatajoin & " >> " & myDataSet.Tables(0).Rows(i).Item("Name") strdatajoin = strdatajoin & "</font></a>" strdatajoin = strdatajoin & strbreakline strdatajoin = strdatajoin & "<font color='#363636'>" strdatajoin = strdatajoin & myDataSet.Tables(0).Rows(i).Item("Text") & "</font>" DataGrid1.Items(i).Cells(4).Text = strdatajoin End If Next i
  3. Whether we use .net, html, etc, what Ecommerce Software is available as a package for proccessing orders, etc?
  4. No editing is required. My problem is I don't know how to write the code to put the datagrid inside the other datagrid's cell.
  5. I am trying to create a master/detail datagrid. A selected line would expand and show the detail.
  6. Would you kindly elaborate on those methods? When would each be required to use? Thanks.
  7. Check out Homesite
  8. How is this done? I am used to grids in VB6 which fire their events all the time. This grid seems to only fire a few but the others never seem to fire at all. What's the secret? loololol I need this event to fire --> DataGrid1_EditCommand
  9. Use could try using 'Select Distinct blah,blah,blah'.
  10. I have a 'Multiline Textbox' (Textmode) that always fails the validation of just a length check using '\w{10,500}'. When I change this textbox to be 'Single Line' is works ok. Any ideas on length checking a multiline textbox?
  11. I used If IsNothing(Session.Item("tttLoginStatus")) Then
  12. Thanks, appreciate the help.
  13. I have a Web form that is very long so the vertical scrollbar shows up. OK! When at the bottom of the Web page I want a button to jump to the top again and a button at the top to jump to the bottom. How can this be done? I can't find any way to access the vertical scrollbar properties.
  14. I just figured it out. Seems to be ok. Entry must be from 10 to 40 characters. \w{10,40} Thanks all!!
  15. I had checked out the RegularExpressionValidator but I couldn't come up with an expression to test the length of a text box. Do you have any ideas how to make a lenght expression? Thanks. I can see I still have a lot to learn.
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