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Everything posted by rbulph

  1. How feasible is it to convert VB.net code to C++? This company here claims to have a product to do it, but discussions online seem to say that it can't be done. Just wondering if Tangible Software Solution's solution is likely to work. Kind of thinking that if ever I want to try and get a job in computing I ought to know C++ rather than VB.net so it would be a good idea to switch over, including a couple of current projects that I have. Thanks.
  2. Seems you have to turn off GIT support http://www.pavelvasek.com/is-visual-studio-2013-too-slow/. I don't know what GIT support is, but if it's making it impossible for me to work then it's pretty useless.
  3. Nope, nothing to do with my project. It's when I activate the VS window that there are problems, even if I have no project open. I just activated the window, clicked on the File menu item, and got the wait cursor for a good minute before the contents of the File menu appeared. Very frustrating.
  4. Hmm, on second thoughts it's still slow. Quite often I click on something and just get the wait cursor. It can take a minute before it comes round. Maybe I should try to reduce the number of tabs I have open (although only about eight typically). Or maybe my project is a bit heavy for it, although at 10,000 lines it wouldn't seem exceptional.
  5. Thanks, yes I've upgraded to 2013 and it was fairly pain free. Does seem a lot faster so far.
  6. I'm frustrated at how slow Visual Studio is. I have a programme which is not that complicated (less than 1MB when compiled) yet Visual Studio always seems to hang when I activate it and leave me waiting for a minute or more with "Not responding" in the title bar. Is there anything I should be doing about this? I'm using VS 2005 on Windows 7. Maybe I need to get a newer version of VS.
  7. Grief, parsing html is tedious. Anyway I'm looking at another site now - sports.spreadex.com/en-GB/spread-betting/Horse-Racing. Again I can do a WebRequest but this doesn't contain the prices. Any idea how I can got hold of the prices on this page?
  8. Ignore, resolved the problem Why would a WebRequest return data that is hours out of date? Do I have to set something to ensure that it's not looking at cached information. It worked so well yesterday, and today it's hopeless...
  9. So I don't really know how the price itself is delivered. Somebody here has done it, but it's quite involved and he used JSON, certainly wasn't just able to look at the html. Grateful for any further pointers for how to do this, otherwise I suppose I should be reading through the article I've referenced.
  10. Thanks. But I just ran a WebRequest on this page hxxps://www.sportingindex.com/spread-betting/horse-racing/indices/mm4.uk.meeting.4856484/9-25-kempton-50-30-20-10, and while I could find the names of the horses in it, the prices were absent. For instance: "<li class="hide" key="MM4.uk.173823415" meetingKey=mm4.uk.meeting.4856484> <a href="#" class="info">Info</a> <span class="markets">Forceful Beacon</span> <span class="sofar"></span> <span class="price"></span> <span class="indicator"></span> </li>"
  11. Sorry, didn't see your reply. I'll make sure I subscribe to instant email notifications of replies now. Betting prices from here hxxps://www.sportingindex.com/. So I'm looking to get the data continuously and use it for analytical purposes. I suppose I could be wrong about the data being in Adobe Acrobat - I just believe this to be the case because an Excel web query returns no results and occasionally I get a message that Adobe Acrobat has crashed. Also I am looking at a website where an Excel web query does return results. How can I get this data into vb? Again I need the data continuously so I don't want to have to keep manually refreshing the spreadsheet. And it would be simpler if I could bypass the need for a spreadsheet altogether if possible. Thanks.
  12. How can I download data from Adobe Flash into vb.net?
  13. Thanks, yes I have SP1 installed. Haven't run into any problems so far.
  14. I've been running Microsoft Ready to Launch Visual Studio 2005 on an xp operating system and just upgraded to Windows 7. When installing vs after the upgrade I got messages about how it was incompatible with Windows 7. But I ignored them and vs seems to work OK. Am I OK to carry on ignoring this? I don't really want to have to upgrade to a new version of Visual Studio if I can avoid it.
  15. Er, yeah, I suppose so, having a bit of a moment. I was hoping there might be some syntax like "If Case =5 Then" but sure, it's not really necessary.
  16. You leave me none the wiser unfortunately. If, as you say, the value could be 1,2 or 3 at this point "// value could be 1, 2 or 3" how do you know which it is?
  17. In a Case statement is there a way to access the value of the Case? Given that you can say " Case 4 To 10" for instance, this would be a useful thing to do. Thanks.
  18. Indeed, I'm not exactly sure how I want to represent this in the grid either, but that link looks helpful, thanks.
  19. Hi, sorry for the delay in replying. What I've got is like a piping diagram. Each pipe is an object which I draw on the screen and each of these pipes contains a business object with a number of properties. I pass these business objects to dlls. The contents of each pipe can be sourced from a number of preceding pipes. The user can select that a pipe is used as a source for a secondary one. He has a choice between having whatever it contains passing through the secondary pipe or just a selected portion of what it contains passing through. At propertygrid level I want the source pipe to be shown as a line item. At dll level I want the actual contents that are passed through to be accessible. So I was thinking of having a function for the benefit of the dlls which returns the pipe contents and a property for my benefit which holds details of the relevant pipes which is visible to the propertygrid but not through dlls. Hope that makes it a bit clearer. What do you think?
  20. Is there any way that I can display a property in the PropertyGrid Control but not expose it when I pass the object to a dll?
  21. Hmm, perhaps it would be easier to create my own form and inherit UITypeEditor in a class to handle this.
  22. Thanks, I guess that must be right. Would still be grateful for any direction as to how I can use the CollectionEditor to allow inclusion of items from a pre-existing collection rather than simply creating new ones.
  23. OK, seems I can fix it by adding a project reference to System.Design.dll But I'm confused. CollectionEditor is under the Namespace System.ComponentModel.Design, which presumably is within System.Design.dll. If I don't have a reference to System.Design.dll I can still refer to various System.ComponentModel.Design classes (like DesignerOptionService). What's the logic behind this?
  24. I want to use the PropertyGrid with a collection of my own types of objects. I want to give the user the option to choose from a number of pre-existing objects which he can add to the collection through the Collection Editor. I believe that the first thing I need to do is create a class inheriting from the CollectionEditor. But I can't seem to inherit from this. It's System.ComponentModel.Design.CollectionEditor right? It shows up in the Object Browser but doesn't seem to be recognised when I'm writing code at all. I'm probably missing something obvious, but any thoughts as to why this might be? Thanks.
  25. I want to access the HTML code for a particular frame on a web page. I can do this in a browser by right clicking over the frame and selecting "View Source". If I load the page in a WebBrowser control and try to examine the WebBrowser.Document.All to try to find this HTML code I get lost in a huge hierarchy of HTML elements. Trying to iterate through the recursively doesn't bring up my HTML code. How can I get the HTML code I want programatically?
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