Ok, here goes everyone, this is my first asp.net project and its for work /sigh so i could really use some help
what i HAVE to do, have one page that authenticates the user (i dont care if its by and xcl sheet access db or by boobla boobla black magic :D )
then if the are a user pass the username to the next page as "techNum"
(right now i have some dropdowns to select them but thats just so i could get my juices flowing)
on the next page they will upload 16 jpgs (i think i have that part covered)
AND on that page i need to make a form that will save an excel document in the same dir as all the jpgs, thats all, not much eh :D
i have included the code i have written thus far for page 2 (which is just the form to upload the 16 jpgs) Please see if you have any improvements for it or any blatent errors
p.s. be merciful its the first time i have dabbled at all in .net stuff at all, there is alot of whitespace right now as well, sorry