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  • Visual Studio .NET Version
    Visual Studio .NET Professional 2005
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  1. Please consider the fact that this is not a fully featured programming language like vb.net or c#.net, it is primarily meant as a scripting language to be embedded. .NET objects will not be available unless you create wrappers in the host application, like I did with the GUI objects in the script examples. You are talking about datasets and databases, they won't be supported unless you use COM with ado or something.
  2. 2. I'm not to sure about this one though, it's one thing to make a script language, another to create and integrate some sort of SQL engine. 3. This is already available (check examples at the bottom) += operator is available, but I think you mean the usage of this operator when adding event handlers, this isn't possible.
  3. Thanks for your reply! 1: I'm not really sure what you mean here. If you mean that you don't like reflection being used in the language, it's not, only with com automation. 2: I guess a simplified version of LINQ would be possible, thanks for the suggestion =) 3: You can't really specify types at this point, so there is no advantage in generic lists. 4: A switch statement is supported. Just like if/else/elseif/foreach/for/while/do/switch/try/catch etc
  4. I am creating a new (freeware) scripting language and I would like to get some feedback on what features are wanted by scripting/programming communities. I'm trying to combine nice features from various languages and incorporate them in my own. It's called SteelScript (codename for now), I have some code examples here so you can get a better idea of it's current features: http://steelsoft.net/steelscript.txt. Here's a current list: - C based syntax - Functions can be used as objects - Embedded functions - COM automation - Associative arrays - Callbacks - XML integration - Try/catch error handling - Eval (like javascript eval) functionality I would like to know the stuff you think is a good idea to be integrated into SteelScript. I developed it using the .net framework, it builds for 1.1 and 2.0. Thanks in advance for any replies! Edit: Something funny, I just realized I posted a similar topic here 5 years back about some other (stupid) script language I made. Seems like ages ago =), my second attempt looks a bit better. http://www.xtremedotnettalk.com/showthread.php?t=81144
  5. Thanks for your code, but I made the choice of loading one resource each frame cycle, this is still fast enough. It may not be the most ideal method but it fits best in my design I think.
  6. Hi, I'm creating a simple game in Direct3D. I would like to show a loading screen while my program loads up resources like textures and scripts. The problem is, while my program is busy loading resources, there isn't any rendering taking place so I cannot show a progressbar or anything. I'm rendering within a window using the Invalidate method. How should I handle this? Should I load one resource at a time per frame cycle? Thanks in advance for your reply.
  7. Hi!, I'm trying to render a rectangle with a transparent color. I made a vertexbuffer like this: CustomVertex.TransformedColored[] pVerts = new CustomVertex.TransformedColored[4]; //590; 494 GraphicsStream pStream = m_pVertex.Lock(0,0,0); pVerts[0].Position = new Vector4(Position.X+Size.Width,Position.Y,Position.Z,1.0f); pVerts[1].Position = new Vector4(Position.X+Size.Width,Position.Y+Size.Height,Position.Z,1.0f); pVerts[2].Position =new Vector4(Position.X,Position.Y+Size.Height,Position.Z,1.0f); pVerts[3].Position =new Vector4(Position.X,Position.Y,Position.Z,1.0f); pVerts[0].Color = BackColor.ToArgb(); pVerts[1].Color = BackColor.ToArgb(); pVerts[2].Color = BackColor.ToArgb(); pVerts[3].Color = BackColor.ToArgb(); pStream.Write(pVerts); m_pVertex.Unlock(); The BackColor defines a color with an alpha channel. When i try to render the vertexbuffer, no transparency is applied but the color is visible. The renderstate is defined like this: m_pDevice.RenderState.SeparateAlphaBlendEnabled = true; m_pDevice.RenderState.DestinationBlend = Blend.InvSourceAlpha; m_pDevice.RenderState.SourceBlend = Blend.SourceAlpha; Any ideas?
  8. If your'e being hacked, there's not much you can do about it besides using a firewall. Try booting in safe mode, or pull your modem plug and boot (DUH). Then try to locate any programs he may have put on your computer, because a firewall can block ingoing connections, but not outgoing connections.
  9. Can't you use the GetCharIndexFromPosition() method to get the first space and the last space character after the word and highlight this?
  10. Not sure about the tcpListener class, but i think it takes a IPEndPoint object: IPEndPoint _endp = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any,80);
  11. Either soc.Connected = false, or it blocks at soc.Receive. Do you get the messagebox?
  12. If you want to use the regular Control color, use Color.FromName("Control"); //or SystemColors.Control;
  13. You should use e.Graphics instead of calling me.CreateGraphics all the time. Also no need for Me.CreateGraphics.Dispose(), because you create a graphics object, you do nothing with it and then you dispose it.
  14. It's actually quite easy to implement Microsoft's MSN Messenger protocol in your application. Visit this site: http://www.hypothetic.org/docs/msn/ I have created my own msn bot which allows me to transfer files from my computer to my school, get directory listings etc. I'm not sure where you can find information about other protocols, but this should get you started.
  15. The latter, i think :). I dont want my closing tags depending on a variabele, just ?>.
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