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Everything posted by scorpion555

  1. Sorry for not making my self clear I do want to read a file, create a radio button for every option, and the write to another file which button was chosen, i got the program to read from the file so i can display the question and answers, but i am only able to read the first question, still working on that..... about the suggestion, yes it could problably be done in other ways, xml would problably be the best one, but for some reason they just wanted a standalone program. (it would have made my job easier)
  2. well the professor wants a program where he can modify the text so the program will run according to his instructions, however hes a psyc prof. so he can't program. The text file will say what kind of questions it is (radio buttons or check boxes). Thats the part I am worried about, how can I check the text file in order to set the check box or radio button visible? I know just found out about the input function, i'll play around with that,till then I don't know how to go around it. Thanks :D
  3. hello I need to display different things (either radio or check boxes) on a form (I need to do a survey) from a file, but i also need to display the answers from the same text file, can I do this with stream reader??? (in other words can set some lines to a variable)if so how would the syntax be??:) :) (the book I have doesnt have any instructions on how to do this) text file: radio buttons pizza, tacos, burgers, salads (pizza, tacos, burgers, salads are the answers on the survey) Ineed to do this because the user can't program, so they only need to modify the text file without programming Any suggestions, comments, or any better way to go around this??? Thanks in advance:D :D
  4. I dont know where i would post this, but how would I get a small splash screen (the little intro screen) with a Flash animation.??? :D are there any special steps u need to take?? also does it make your program too big, the file is not that big. I think its problably something simple, but I'm a vb noob. :( Thanks in advance
  5. I dont remember if I changed the source, but i got it to work on a different computer. I think that some class before me messed up the setup or installation, because the one next to me works perfect. Thanks for all the help, that link is great :)
  6. i have a access database and made a cystal report. I then put the crystal reports viewer on the form, but when i run it it gives me a login screen. how do I take this off??? the file isnot protected in anyway. I remember the first time I ran it, it gave me some sort of message, but i cant remember what it is:( any help is apreciated, thanks in advace:) here's a pic of the login screen http://utminers.utep.edu/fvigil/prob_2.jpg
  7. ok i finally got mine to work, ... all i had to do was to reinstall IIS and WOOT WOOT its working thanks to the replies before.
  8. sorry, i didnt do it right, http://utminers.utep.edu/fvigil/prob_1.jpg i think that should work Thanx
  9. Hi all i think Iam getting the same problem he is. this is how my screen looks like http://utminers.utep.edu/fvigil/prob_1.jpg any help would be appreciated, thanks
  10. great tutorial, but I still have a question, will this work with an access db or sql only db?? how can you tell or how do you set what kind of database you want? Also, what other kinds of DB can you do?? I heard of a text only db or something like that. I would like to use mysql, how do I declare that is what I want to use? Thanks in advance, thanks for your time!!
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