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Everything posted by Audax321

  1. Hi.... no, I'm the only user on the computer and the only person that uses it. I'm doing the same thing I did last time... not sure why it is doing this. Is there any way to force VB.NET to recreate the Form1.resx file?
  2. Thanks, I didn't know what it was specifically called, looking for some examples right now... :)
  3. Hello, I'm working on an application that I successfully compiled in Vb.net last week just fine. Today, when I started up the project and went to run the program I got the following error: C:\Documents and Settings\...\Form1.resx A failure occurred writing to the resources file. The system cannot find the path specified. How can I fix this, because my program completely won't compile anymore. I checked if the resource file was in the path and it is, .NET just refuses to see it. Thanks..
  4. Hello, I was wondering how one would go about writing an application that can run in the taskbar as a toolbar (selected by right clicking on the taskbar and using the toolbars menu). I'm using VB.Net, is it possible? Thanks.
  5. Hello, I'm using irregular form shapes in an application I'm making and was wondering if it was possible to have vb.net use the default titlebar and border style for the system. For example, in WinXP if you have the Blue theme applied, it should use the blue title bar and appropriate borders around the region or graphics path. The way I have it right now the application defaults to the old Win95/98/ME style if I use the paint event. If I comment the paint event for the form out then it goes back to having the titlebar and borders skinned according to the theme the user is using. Hope this makes sense, if you need clarification let me know... thanks.
  6. Hello, I am making an application that needs to stream files from a website using ASX and ASF. So I thought to use WMP9 in VB.NET to open the files. Internet Explorer brings up a Open, Save, Cancel window when the user clicks on a link to the ASX file. But the window is displaying the path to an ASF file. When you click open my program launches and successfully opens the asf file, but WMP can't play the ASF file.... Any ideas why? I'm guessing it may need the ASX file instead, by IE seems to skip it and just go straight to download the ASF file....... P.S. The website I am using to test it is: http://windowsmedia.com/radiotuner/MyRadio.asp Thanks for any help :)
  7. Hello, I apologize its been a while since I've had a chance to come on here again. AlexCode your code is kind of like what I want, but the size is variable according to whatever the user sets it to so you can't really use Select Case. Anyway, I was able to fix the problem by just using boolean variables to determine if the form size was changed after the window was maximized and comparing the boolean variables to before the window was maximized. I was hoping there was a cleaner way to do this, but I haven't been able to find one. I can't imagine why MS wouldn't have differentiated the Height and Width properties of a form as MaximizedHeight, MaximizedWidth, NormalHeight, and NormalWidth or at least allowed access to these in some manner. elikahohen, I took a look at the example and liked it, but unfortunately can't use it. The idea of the docker program is to have a control grow "inward" as I have it growing "outward" to display it. The problem arises because of the initial portion of the window that is visible in my program. I would have to decrease the width of the control present in that initially visible portion of the window in order to show the new control, which I can't do. Another way around this would be to increase the minimium size of the window by however much the new portion of the window takes up and then show the docked control. However, this will cause the same problem I was having initially. But, all is not lost. I was making a small HTML editor to learn basic HTML for myself because Notepad is a pain to use to learn HTML. Anyway, the menu I have in that program would be a lot easier to use if I utilize docked controls... so I will look into that. Thanks for all your help :)
  8. I think you misunderstood me... let me try explaining it better. I have a button on my form that causes the form to expand a certain amount to the right to display an options menu, let's say from 200 to 350. This alters the minimumsize property to limit the size the user can resize the form to so the minimumsize.width property is now 350. Now, if the user used the buttom to expand the form from 200 to 350 and then maximizes the form, but while the form is maximized he again pushes the button to contract the options menu (hide it), the maximized window will accomadate the change by making the other controls fill the window without resizing the window itself. At the same time a sub will run to change the minimumsize.width property to 200. But, what happens now is that when the user changes the windowstate to normal again, by pushing the forms maximize button again, the normal sized window is the size it was when the options portion was open - 350. But, the options are no longer visible because they were hidden when the form was maximized. The result is an elongated form. Although I understand what the code you gave above means, I can not use it because the original size of the form before and after maximizing is not constant. The user can scale the size of the form to whatever he or she wishes. So I need to change the size of the normal size form, not the minimum allowed size of the form.... I hope this is a little clearer... its difficult to explain.
  9. Hello, I have a form that changes its minimum size when certain buttons are clicked. The code works fine when the form size is Normal. But, if the user accesses settings when the form is maximized and causes a change in the minimum size setting I need a way to alter the minimum size setting as well as subtract that amount from the actual size of the form when it is normal without exiting the maximized window state. Right now, when the form changes to the Normal window state, the form is too large. This is probably quite confusing.... so basically, what I need is to be able to adjust the normal form size while the form is maximized. Is this possible??? Thanks...
  10. Hello, I'm writing a program that generates an HTML file that is just an ordered list of items. How can I print the pages? (not the html code, I want to print what the user would see in a browser) Thanks...
  11. I have a question regarding embedding icons... I need to be able to access the icon using syntax like this in the registry: C:\MyProgram.exe,1 And embedding the icon like you said is not doing it. After looking some stuff up, it seems that if you use the embedded resource method you can only access the icon in the exe during runtime through code. But I need the icon to be accessible from the registry at any time. (It's an icon for any file type associated with my program :) ) If I'm using the wrong line in the registry, please let me know... Thanks..
  12. Hello, Not sure if this post belongs here, but my proxy is acting up and not letting me access some of the forums right now. Anyway, is there a menu in VB.NET that will let you set the compiled exe's properties such as: Company Name Product Name etc... Right now, I have none of those set when the file compiles, so all I get in the Windows "Open With" menu for my program is an icon with no name when the user right clicks on its associated filetype. Also, if there is a way to add extra icons to the compiled .exe please let me know. Thanks :)
  13. Thank you very much, VolteFace and wyrd, that worked perfectly... :) Also, I'm going to buy a book on VB.NET, any recommendations? I don't need to learn the basics like what a string variable is and stuff, just other syntax such as dealing with classes, owner-drawing, etc....
  14. I kind of understand what your saying, but I don't have much experience (read: no experience :) ) using classes. How would I access the two variables afterwards? The way I wanted to use the structure was to declare variables of the structure's type and then use the variables to return various items from a function. for example: Structure SearchResults Dim FileNames As ArrayList Dim Paths As ArrayList End Structure Private Function DoStuff() as SearchResults Dim Results as SearchResults '''''do the stuff this function does Return SearchResults End Function Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click Dim Returned as SearchResults Returned = DoStuff() ''''do some more stuff End Sub I'm going to go look up some stuff on classes, I'm pretty new to .NET and used VB6 for not very long.... Thanks .. :)
  15. Hello, I'm declaring a structure (that will include other variable types in the future) as follows: Structure SearchResults Dim FileNames As ArrayList Dim Paths As ArrayList End Structure But, I'm getting the following error: An unhandled exception of type 'System.NullReferenceException' occurred in WindowsApplication1.exe Additional information: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. I tried changing the structure declaration to include ...as New ArrayList, but thats not allowed... Thanks for any help :)
  16. Is this kind of like what you mean? http://samples.gotdotnet.com/quickstart/util/srcview.aspx?path=/quickstart/howto/Samples/WinForms/OwnerDrawListBox/OwnerDrawListBox.src and how do I change the type of the existing listbox.. because Form1 loads it as system.windows.forms.listbox I just went into the Form1 class and changed the following lines: Friend WithEvents lstPlaylist As System.Windows.Forms.ListBox Me.lstPlaylist = New System.Windows.Forms.ListBox to Friend WithEvents lstPlaylist As OwnedBox Me.lstPlaylist = New OwnedBox The class is: Public Class OwnedBox Inherits System.Windows.Forms.ListBox Public Sub New() SetStyle(ControlStyles.DoubleBuffer, True) SetStyle(ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint, True) SetStyle(ControlStyles.UserPaint, True) End Sub End Class but now the items aren't drawing correctly, because they get blacked out until you click on them or use the keyboard to scroll over them....
  17. Hmm, well do you know of an example I could read to see how to do it so I can have access to setstyle? The way I did it is shown here: http://www.devx.com/dotnet/Article/8014/0/page/2 Thanks.. :)
  18. All I have is a Form1 class and thats it The listbox is being ownerdrawn by settings its draw mode property to OwnerDraw Fixed and then the drawitem event is handling all the drawing. I have no class for the listbox....
  19. I guess what I should be asking is how do I access the class??? I must be getting a tad annoying by now :) .. thanks...
  20. I think I am, but I'm not sure how to create the sub new in the class with the contrlol.
  21. That is what I'm confused about... If I create a Sub New and put code in it, I can't compile and run because there is already a Public Sub New() present at the top of the code window. Then if I put the setstyle code in that event nothing happens as far as removing flicker...
  22. Okay, now I'm confused. :( I'm new to all this owner drawing and trying to learn it. Everywhere I look, it says constructor is Public Sub New() and that is where you change SetStyle. Where is the listbox's constructor?
  23. I added Me.SetStyle(ControlStyles.DoubleBuffer, True) Me.SetStyle(ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint, True) Me.SetStyle(ControlStyles.UserPaint, True) to the Public Sub New() event after the InitializeComponent() call and still got flicker. I am drawing lines, rectangles, and filling rectangles in the drawitem event for the listbox because this is an ownerdrawn listbox. If this is the reason how do I use the paint event to achieve the same result?
  24. Hello, I'm not sure if I'm using setstyle right.. I just put this in the the Form Load event: setstyle(ControlStyles.DoubleBuffer, True) But, when the program goes to load all the items into the listbox I get the following error: An unhandled exception of type 'System.Runtime.InteropServices.SEHException' occurred in system.windows.forms.dll Additional information: External component has thrown an exception.
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