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Everything posted by tate

  1. http://www.cnn.com
  2. Read up on the OpenFileDialog control. Use this control in place of your text box input. For example, add a menu control and set it up similiar to any MS application (i.e.. File>Open).
  3. MDI child form will only show within the MDI parent form. Have you declared your parent and your child forms correctly?
  4. Is it really necessary to repopulate the dataset as long as the form hasn't been closed? I can understand the update but not the repopulate. Only suggestion would be to use a module level variable to record the index value.
  5. I have been using MS FrontPage for several years now and feel it doesn a pretty good job.
  6. To set a break point just go to the line of code you would like the execution to stop on and click just to the left of the code line. Once the program stops execution you can hover your cursor over any variable and it will tell you what the current value is. To remove the break point just click on the round circle that indicates a break.
  7. I have received this same error before. However, it was generated while attempting to read a string value from a field within a record that didn't have anything in it. As long as each record contained some string value in it there was no problem. Not sure why would get the same error when trying to update a record. Is it caused by trying to update a field with a blank text box or something?
  8. Is there a way to shut off the need for an icon in a child form? The icon property value in the Visual Studio development interface doesn't have a (none) option. My goal is to not have an icon next to the menu object when I maximize the child form in the parent container. Thanks for the help. Tate
  9. Research OleDbConnect, OleDbDataAdapter, and OleDbDataSet
  10. tate

    Font Issues

    I just tried this and it worked great. lblTest.Font = New Font("Arial",10,(FontStyle.Bold Or FontStyle.Italic))
  11. tate

    Font Issues

    I haven't tried this but maybe imbedding the font changes something like this? lblTest.Font=New System.Drawing.Font("Arial",10,(System.Drawing.FontStyle.Bold Or System.Drawing.FontStyle.Italic),System.Drawing.GrahicsUnit.Point(CType(0,Byte)) I would guess font size is tricky because the lable object needs to be sized to except a larger font.
  12. Unfortunately I have not coded any ASP.NET applications or I would help. My experience with databases are in Windows applications only. However, I know they operate similar. Normally I would use the GetChanges method of the DataSet. Then utilize the Update method of the DataAdapter. Finally use the AcceptChanges method of the DataSet.
  13. If you bind the text box to a particular field any changes to it can be detected by the GetChanges method of the DataSet. Dim bndTemp As Binding bndTemp = New Binding("Text", dsName, "tblName.fldX") txtName.DataBindings.Add(bndTemp) Next find out if something has changed within the DataSet. Dim dsModifiedRows as System.Data.DataSet dsModifiedRows = dsName.GetChanges(DataRowState.Modified) If a change was made a new DataSet will be created with just the rows that have change. After determining the changes those records need to be saved to the database. The Update method of the DataAdapter records changes to the database. odbdaDataAdapterName.Update(dsModifiedRows). Finally, advise the DataSet that the changes have been recorded. Accomplish this by using the AcceptChanges method of your DataSet. dsName.AcceptChanges()
  14. Check out the StreamReader and StreamWriter classes. Utilizing these two and all of the text string properties and methods should give you a good start.
  15. Maybe you have a toolbar in your mdiChild form that gets lost when the the form is instantiate by the mdiParent. If this is the case check your MergeOrder and MergeType properties of each form.
  16. Wow, isn't creating a DataTable and then connecting to a data source backwards? I would make the connection, data adapter, and dataset. The DataTable would be a result of this.
  17. You can find information all over the web pertaining to this. Also, consider your local library or book store.
  18. I'm toying with the idea of jumping into ecommerce and small business web site developement with Visual Basic .NET. Therefore, does anyone know of a good web host that supports .NET? Something for the small business person who utilizes a MS Access database. Thanks
  19. As part of your deployment project create a folder that will be installed with your exe file. Add the resource file to that folder.
  20. How about sending your search text to a function that finds the position within the text box starting from the beginning! Here is an example of the function; Public Function FindText(ByVal strText As String, ByVal intStartingPoint As Integer) As Integer 'Initialize return value to false by default Dim returnValue As Integer = -1 Dim intIndexToText As Integer 'Ensure that search string has been specified and a valid starting point If strText.Length > 0 And intStartingPoint >= 0 Then 'Obtain location of the search string intIndexToText = rtbViewer.Find(strText, intStartingPoint, RichTextBoxFinds.MatchCase) 'Determine whether the text was found If intIndexToText >= 0 Then returnValue = intIndexToText End If End If Return returnValue End Function You can then call the function again starting at an point past the last occurrance.
  21. Before I installed the application I installed the .NET framework using the dotnetfx.exe grabbed from microsoft. I would of thought it would of been included with this install. Why is the debugger even needed if you are not planning to do any development on the pc? By the way, thanks for your response.
  22. While deploying an application to a WinXP pc I received the subject error. Something to do with a registered cordbg.exe debugger not available. Any ideas what may have went wrong in the deployment project? Is the debugger needed; if so why wasn't it automatically added? Thanks in advance
  23. Don't forget that you have to make sure the .NET framework is already installed in the target pc!
  24. If you are using VB .NET there is a good article in the msdn. The walk you through how to develop a new class for the rich text box that allow you to search for text strings.
  25. I have created a deployment project that is suppose to install the .NET framework if needed. When I try the install I receive the following error; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Application Setup Error Version detection failed for dotnetfx.exe\dotnetfx.exe. Insure that the installer exists at the specified location. Message returned: The specified image file did not contain a resource section. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Here is the associated settings.ini file contents; [bootstrap] Msi=projectSetup.msi 'LanguageDirectory = jpn 'ProductName = testproductname 'DialogText = 'CaptionText = 'ErrorCaptionText = FxInstallerPath = dotnetfx.exe I have tried several FXInstallerPath variations thinking I had screwed up the relative path some how. The dotnetfx executable version was obtained from Microsoft Microsoft .NET Framework Redistributable 1.0 Any ideas on what is causing this error? Thanks so much for the help.
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