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Xtreme .Net Talk


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Everything posted by fguihen

  1. i have a bot moving between red rectangles. when the bot gets near a rectangle, i want him to alter his position to avoid the red. how could i accomplish this , using c#? thanks for reading my post.
  2. i have an old version of visual studio .net on my college machine. at home i have the latest version of visual studio. anything i create at home i cant use in college. is there any way around this so that i can use the projects from the new visual studio.net in the older version of visual studio.net?
  3. the file unzips, installs, spends a minute configuring itself then i get a message saying "the wizard was interrupted before directX 9.0 sdk supper update could be completely installed. your system has not been modified. "this is really annoying. anyone got any ideas??
  4. i have installed directX9 from a game cd, but i cannot run some directX code i have as it says it cant find direct X references, do i need the sdk? i have windows and directX on one partition and Visual studio on another partition. could this be a problem?
  5. well my exact idea, is that im making a crowd simulation program, in 3d using direct X. i want to allow the user to be able to drag obstacles onto the screen, and see how the crowd react to it if its in their path. theese obstacles will be simple rectangles, and the user can use them to create walls, or just plain obstacles. its all going to be done with 3d rectangles. i hope you understand what im saying, as im having difficulty explaining it
  6. i mean allowing th e user to model the envrionment by dragging out the size of a rectangle they want, like th eway you make a rectangle in paint, but the object would be a 3d object so it would need height also, as im using directX
  7. how would i , using directX and c#, create an app that allows a user to create a simple ed envrionment. it would basically entail the user using a mouse to click on a point on my forum, and drag out the required size of a rectangle they want. i dont know if its too difficult but i just dont know where to start.
  8. what about if im just using GID to start off with ? do i create my own vector class?
  9. im creating a simple represntation of a person, which is only a filled in circle in gdi. i want to assign speed and direction to it. do i have to create a class, or struct called vector, or is there a datatype already there that takes in a speed and an angle ?
  10. i have to program some men, in 3d , and im using c#. i know everyone says use c++ ,but im not gona,so i need to know if i can get decent 3d graphics from c# and directX9 (managed)?thanks
  11. hi all. im creating a simulation, which will have, to begin with, an army of stickmen. each man will have a variety of movements, running, walking, skipping, not moving at all etc. now along with the regular boids idea, where they all move in an ordered way, i also want each man doing his own individual thing so it looks like a crap version of the lord of the rings army. my problem is im not sure how to implement this.lets say one single man can have his legs in "walking mode", but his arms could be in running mode. how do i get the wakling method, and the arms running method to run at the same time? this has to work for each individual man, in a field of up to 30 men. after this my next prob will be to go from stick men to turning them into 3d people. is there a dll from 3d studio max or something that i can reference in my c# app to give me 3d capabilities?if anyone can suggest any better websites/discussion boards for info id really appriciate it. thanks
  12. im in 4th year computing and have to choose a project on a topic of which i have never looked at before. i was thinking something in the artificial intelligence area. more specifically , creating an artificial ecosystem and have "intelligent " creatures that can grow and evolve according to how well they do in the envrionment, speed, how good they are at gathering food etc. unfortunately , i have no idea how to get started. if anyone could point me in the direction of some good sources of info on artificial life, how to code artificial life, neural networks for dummies etc, i would be greatful. thank you
  13. im looking for a good all rounder book that teaches the compact framework, with examples in c sharp. i like o reilly books, but they only have a pocket reference out yet.. they have a programmers guide to dot net CE comming out, but that mightnt be here for another few months, and i need one fairly soon. any recommendations?
  14. i need to run dot net ce on a palmtop, but i dont have much money for an expensive palmtop. what is the lowest palmtop that will run dot net ce? does it have to run windows ce?
  15. dont worry , its not you that discouraged me. im just hopeless at math.i suppose il put it in my massive book of never to be completed ideas. i cant mail you over the weekend im afraid, i only have internet access at work during the day for the moment, at least until i go back to college. thanks for all your help though.i am interested in learning more.
  16. uargh...math. it might be great, but im afraid its outa my league. eh well.was a nice idea.thanks all for your help. admin,feel free to delete this thread now if you like
  17. well im writing it in c#, if that helps bring the thread more into line with the forum.
  18. very basic to begin with , just gdi. just a simple graphic of each one, that will change as time passes. they will "grow" with time, when "food "is added, they will be attracted to it, the temperature will have to be kept correct by the user, some can be stronger than others and the weak ones will prob die early on in life. if they are not fed daily they will die.no intelligence, as far as i can see in them. its just something t keep me busy. ive never dealt with images in c# yet. also giving them movement poses a challenge, for me
  19. this is a strange post but i was in a pet shop the other day and saw brine shrimp ( sea monkeys) and im wondering how difficult would it be to create a virtual representation of them. what would i need to know, in computer terms ?i would like to try something like this as i never even considered something like this before
  20. sorry for asking this as im sure you heard it all before, but im real used to creating pages with old asp, where i used "islands of code" which wrote html and any info contained in a DB out as a string, which was recognised by the browser and desplayed as a web page. now with asp.net im stumped. ive tried to follow tutorials but i dont know how to addata contained in a DB to a web page.eg..i have paths to pictures in a database. i want to display theese pics on my web page, but i dont know how to . can anyone just show me the code to do this, or point me to a good tutorial ( not a microsoft tutorial). thank you all...
  21. ok, from old asp i remember that i if i wanted to put a picture or text from a DB on a page, i put in the <% bracket, put in the code, all html was put in as a string, and written out to the browser. how do i accomplish this in asp.net(using c#)? i have a load of paths to pictures in a database, and i want to use theese to display pictures on a page,(along with text). how do i do this?
  22. perfect. thank you very much.
  23. ok, i have a session variable on my login page, that contains the department of the person logging in ( eg sales,planning etc). i want to use this session variable on th enext page that comes up after login. how do i use a session variable in a page , after the page the vsriable is contained in, is closed??(hope thats clear).. thanks
  24. got it sorted. thanks all for your help
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