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Everything posted by fguihen

  1. i know what your saying but all i wana do is put a black triangle on a button, to indicate play. the same for the rest of the buttons. and i need a site to give me the bmp of the black triangle
  2. i have to put play, stop, pause, fastforward, rewind, next track and previous track buttons on a c# project. i really dont have time to go making them. anyone know where i can get some over the web?
  3. i have found out the hard way that the dot net framework does not have support for serial devices as of yet, and i need to take data in through a serial port ( my infared port). i have found that i will have to use the win32 api. can anyone tell me how to add this to my project, and what methods , functions i need from it to allow me to recieve data from a serial port?im using c#. thanks all
  4. i have to add infared to my mp3 player and i need to call on the serial port to do this. i have not a clue what is going on in that vb project you posted. can you explain what its doing??
  5. i have to write a listener to listen for incomming data on my infared port. i know this is on comm1 , but i was told , i will have to listen on a serial port. i dont understand the logic of this, but if anyone does, could they explain it to me, and tell me how i can get the data in through the infared port. ( it just has to take in data, not return any). im really stuck. any help would be great. thanks
  6. i have to put pictures on buttons for a project nbut i cant get it working. its getting on my nerves and i was wondering if anyone knew how to put an image on a button. its for my mp3 player. i made some crappy images in paint, does anyone know where i could get more professional images??
  7. im using the nBass liberary availiable from code project to create a mp3 layer. i wana do streaming from a URL but i dont know where to start. anyone any ideas??
  8. thank you good sir. must have spelled something wrong when looking in the helpfile. sorry for my stupidity. thank you again
  9. could you expand on this list view option. im not sure what it is
  10. im trying to show a file name on the left of a list box, and the size on the right. eg.. file1 123423 file2 8768698 file3 243......... ..... you see. i have two arraylists , one with the file name, the other with the file size. can anyone give me an example how to display them the way i want?
  11. how do i create a connectionless socket, that will listen for data comming in the IrDa port? all i can find is sockets for TCP/IP connections?
  12. anyone know the code in c# to : open the Infared port, take in a signal from a remote control. im not looking for anything fancy, just to take in a signal and after that il deal with the input.
  13. what exactly does a wrapper class do? how does it work?
  14. i have to make an image move to a playing mp3 using c# and directShow. i have found out that i will have to create a custom filter and possibly a sample grabber from which i can get data to make my image move to a beat. i dont know anything much about directShow and am only learning c#. anyone do this before? can anyone help?
  15. hi have to do a project where i use a regular IR remote control to control a program through the IR port on my laptop and im so stuck. if anyone knows any sites that might be able to help me it would be great.i working in c#. thank you all
  16. i have to create a socket (in C#) and tell it to listen to the Irda port on my laptop. i hav'nt a clue how to do this , as all examples are specifying IP addresses. anyone help me?
  17. how do i write out an XML file in c#? i have to save a playlist from my media player, but i dont want to use a text file. is there TagReader() and writer methods in c#?
  18. anyone know how to call on my infared port? i think its com1 but i dont know how to call on this in my c# program.
  19. sorry moderators for putting this question out again, but im wording it differently in hope someone will help me. i need to get data from an mp3. the data i need will be used to make a graphic move about the screen in time to the music, like the visualizations in media player. im using DirectShow to play the mp3. i have all the direct X help files, and have searched them, but i havnt a clue where to find the methods/ interfaces i need to perform my task. im told it can be done in directShow. anyone who can help it would be greatly appriciated. my project is in c#. thanks all
  20. ok, im new to this c# stuff, and i need to be able to write a list of path names to a text file, or read in a list from a text file and load them into an array list as i go along. it sounds very straight forward but i cant for the life of me figure it out.is there anyone there that can give me the basics of it?
  21. hi all. i have to make an application in c# that will play,pause, fastforward etc mp3's. it has to be controllable , using a standard remote control through my Infared port. i do not know anything about sockets or connections so im wondering, what type of socket do i use. it needs to be connectionless, and continously look for a signal being sent to it. also , i dont know what format infared data will be recieved in. does anyone have any expirience with this (i.e, will it be in string, int ,bit format etc). thanks all
  22. i am only starting c#. i have being doing it for about 2 months and know the basics. as for directX, i know very little of it. i only have made a simple mp3 player using directShow.most of that i learned from the net, as i cannot find any files telling me of the API's availiable to me from DirectShow or directX. does that tell you enough of my expirience? o, i am writing the project in c#
  23. hi all. im new to the forum and have a directX question. i have to make an image move to the rythm of an mp3, which i am playing using directShow. i cannot find any help files on directShow so i cannot figure out what methods etc to use to get data from a playing mp3, so that i can use it in creating a moving image. i hope you can understand my question. thanks in advance all.
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