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Everything posted by Danmilkman

  1. To be short: I want to do this from another application like MSN Messenger. My own application starts by example MSN Messenger as a process. MSN generates windows when starting a conversation. These are not available in my windows collection in my own application... Or are they?
  2. Hi y'all, First of all, my programming languagesuite is .NET. Here's my problem: I'm tryin' to find out de windowhandles from the window generated from a parent application. MSN Messenger is an excellent example. The parent application is msnmsgr.exe and start a main window with your contacts listed. When clickin' on a contact you get a new window. I want to find this windowhandle without havin' to click on it. Now on to my application. I'm starting MSN Messenger as a process from my own application (NOT shell) and the process starts with a unique processID. When clickin' on a contact the new window get the same processID but a different windowhandle. How can I get this from code? Is this possible and if so, how? Pleaze help, Thnx. D@n.
  3. Hello, I'm trying to access a hidden window which a process started but then minimized to tray. The mainwindowhandle of the process in vb.net becomes 0 so I can't access it anymore by using the API functions. Or am I doing something wrong? Can anybody help me? I'll give an example of what I mean by these questions. When u start MSN Messenger by example it shows the main window. This window can be altered by using the windows API functions like SHOWWINDOW, SETWINDOWPOS and so on. However when you click the close button (X) the window disappears and MSN Messenger stays active in the system tray. How can I access the MSN Messenger window again by using API calls. The mainwindowhandle from de msnmsgr.exe process is 0? Anyone? Thnx.
  4. That's not what I meant. I already found that wrapper. :D I'm starting processes from vb.net with Process.start(); However sometimes it seems that the mainwindowhandle for such a process is immediately 0. I can't get the window handle anymore from that process. Is there a workaround? Every window has it's own unique handle so it shouldn't be 0 right. Also the waitforidle method doesn't seem to be doing anything. :-( Help please?
  5. I'm tryin to do the same thing with waitforidle methods. Getting the windowtitle and handle for manipulating the size and position. However when I start iexplore.exe (p. example) it terminates before loading the complete website. Please help, perhaps some example coding? Thnx.
  6. Thnx, Alex. I'm going to try! :D
  7. Not exactly what I'm looking for. But I'm interested. Tell me more. How to start? :D
  8. No, actually this doesn't suite me. I'm asking for this because of the fact that I'm writing an application that needs to administrator a network of computers in a gaming environment. Whenever a user starts an application (which we allow by putting it on the "active" deskop) a counter starts and credits from a useraccount will decrease. Thnx. anyway. grtz, D@n.
  9. Hi, I'm trying to make some sort of an active desktop for an application in windows (in vb.net). Can anyone help me get started? The idea is to start programs from "a desktop" without revealing the real desktop from windows (topmost?), when the icon (for a application) is clicked it needs to start en get the focus. Also when minimized I want it to be able to come back on top when clicked on a "self-made" toolbar. Can anyone help me? Thnx. D@n.
  10. Hai everybody, is it possible in excel to group data in vba with for example the subtotal function? and if so how? (code please) example: I have zipcodes containing different types of businesses. How can I show the totals of the total amount of profit in this category by grouping the type of business. Thnx in advance, Grtz, D.
  11. agreed
  12. Indeed, taskmanager can be disabled by a registryhack. However e.cancel=true on the closing event prevents closing the app. I have disabled the keyboard with a selfmade Keyboard Hook. This can disable all keys, except CTRL+ALT+DELETE. This I do through the registry. Works fine. :D
  13. Hi Iceplug, Authorized users can login with a admin code. A new button appears that can shut down the system. Unauthorized users (let's say guests) must not be able to shut the program down. Any Ideas? Thnx.
  14. Hai, is it possible to disable ALT-F4 so my application won't shut down by unauthorised users? And if so, how?
  15. hai everybody, I'm trying to build a client/server application. I have only one problem. The client sends a request (ex. GetStuffFromDatabase()) and the server than executes this command, get's data from a database (by odbc connection) and sends the result back to the client. The client than parses the result into readable chunks. However, the next command is allready send to the server before the result has been parsed. How can I keep my client/server waiting until another function of process has finished before sending a new request? Thnx in advance, really need help. The app. is being build in vb.net and I've been studying .NET for just about a month so not very skilled in it yet. Thnx. D.
  16. thnx. That was a thing I allready had. But thnx anyway. :D Works just fine, just not fast enough. :D
  17. Hello, can anyone tell me how to start a form from a service when it starts or receives a command? I know it is possible to also show a notifyicon in the taskbar in vb.net from a windows service, but I can't seem to get it to work, anybody?? Thnx, D.
  18. sorry didn't work, give me some sample code please, perhaps i did it wrong... thnx.
  19. Hi again, how can I disable the ctrl+alt+delete keycombination in vb.net. Anyone?
  20. thnx. i'll try.
  21. Divil, thanks in advance. I'll try it tomorrow. Hope it works.
  22. I agree with Bobby. Companies making software like that usually don't allow others to (re-)develop parts of their system. Wish it was so... Could save a lot of time!
  23. Hmmm, interesting thought and subject ... I've been studyin' software engineering for about 5 years. So in theory I should build applications and systems by a calculated system like RAD or IAD or (D)SDM. However when the moment comes and the customer for which the app is made needs it in a hurry, usually people tend to fall back to just building from scratch and see what problems you run up against. However if the project is major I recommend (and also do myself) using a SE-approach. Greetz, D@n.
  24. I should have known. :D And could you explain how??
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