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  1. Hi I need to write an application for a balance device using VB.Net 2005, can anybody provide me of some articles or code to show me how to do it . the device has a RS232 output . thanks in advance
  2. Thanks for your reply but i need the query for access database
  3. Hello I want to pass a parameter to this querry determining how many records to select parameter to replace the (Top 10 ) Select Top 10 * from customers order by id any idea will be appreciated Thanks
  4. Hi, I currently have a web usercontrol (editcalendar.ascx) which is loaded into a webform (default.aspx). On the usercontrol is a textbox called txtStartDate and a button. On click of the button open another form name popup.aspx How do I reference the textbox from the popup.aspx window.opener.document.forms[0].txtStartDate.value = 'Test' thanks in advance
  5. Hi I have a datalist I put three radiobuttons and a textbox in this datalist what i want to do is to enable the textbox only by selecting a specific radiobutton (let's say by selecting the first one ) any idea for doing that ? thanks in advance
  6. thanks for replying the databse is SQL Server 2000 and the datatype nvarchar it works at my computer , but at the hosting server it does not .
  7. hi when i tried to store Arabic chars (from a textbox) in a db table all i got is "?" chars instead of the actual letters.That happens on my database on the server (on the hosting) . but in my machine everything works fine I changed the responseEncoding/requestEncoding/fileEncoding to "windows-1256" but there is no benefit . any idea ? thanks in advance
  8. hi everybody can anyone tell me how can i generate sql script for all tables and the contents in my database ? thanx in advance
  9. Hi all I'm using the sessions to store the user information the user can navigate all pages without problem after he is authenticated . now , when the user is authenticated and returns to my site he can navigate it without problem if he didin't open another instance of IE , but if he uses another instance of IE he is aked for authentication and that's ok . what i want to do is when the user navigate another web site (not my site) and then returns to my site to be asked for authentication what exactly should i do ? thanks in advance
  10. Hi everybody i have to web pages these two pages uses the same style file which i made it . the problem is when i use server.transfer method to navigate between these pages the page loses the style (the style that i made it has no effect) . but when i use response.redirect method i have no problems , both pages has the same style that i made it previously. Is there a way to have the same style for both pages using server.transfer method ? thanx in advance
  11. ok the problem is resolved by changing the host but another problem has raised i can't view my pictures i look for the and it's correct but it doesn't show any idea ?
  12. i put it to forms then i took it out but the same error do u know another free web hosting ? web.txt
  13. sorry but the same errorweb.txt
  14. thanx fo rur helpweb.txt
  15. ok i'll ask them but what if they dont ? take a look about this http://www.brinkster.com/PremiumdotNETFAQs.asp thanks in advance
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