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About Nightyhawk

  • Birthday 07/29/1980

Personal Information

  • Occupation
    Solutions Developer
  • .NET Preferred Language

Nightyhawk's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Re: You where right Don't ya love typos. Spell checkers are your best friend, or else Code Smart which Microsoft is not thinking when they didn't create such a tool themselves :P
  2. Variable strings aren't generally recommended, so I am not sure if it would work.
  3. Yes, that is great. Although, bugs are stil being worked out as to be expected with most things and Microsoft.
  4. I agree with you there. It is more time-consuming but worth it.
  5. API is a long-lost concept that is not in .Net. You have to import Active X controls into .Net from classic VB (versions 6.0 and under).
  6. Windows .exe will not run in 'Nix. Nor will they probably ever. They are compiled with make files and then ran. Any more questions?
  7. It should not.. It's a well-made piece of software :P
  8. No problem. Sorry, if I sound arrogant or rude. The misunderstanding is this: yes, you will need the source to recompile (and make changes, like debugging) but if you only want to run the app., then you will just need the .exe.
  9. Microsoft free?!?!? lmao. When "Nix starts not releasing their source code, lol.
  10. Once compiled with MONO, it should work (presuming it's debugged well)...And yes and no, you can download windows .exe for Windows OS and you will need to recompile in 'nix to get it to work with MONO.
  11. I've played with Mono compiler some. There is a Windows .exe. too. Try using that before venturing into the *dynamic" world of 'Nix..... My suggestion :) You can run the application in "Nix using it's compiler (meaning compile first, then start the process with the "mock" framework that is ported over. Good luck.
  12. Very useful information. Thanks!
  13. I am a college student too. A senior, 4th year student in Computer Science. I keep all of texts, including computer books for reference (you never know, lol). I also have bought 4 Microsoft Book's on VB.Net and two on C#. I am learning VB 7.0 right now. At work, we will be implementing a CRM using VB.Net web services with ASP. I did get a book on ASP too, creating professional web services :)
  14. Faster chips and processors are the source of it. We're emerging with technology to 64-bit processors. FYI, You can still declare a short integer in VB.Net.
  15. Closing? What is the line of code where it is ending?
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