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About pothuri

  • Birthday 02/14/1981

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Hi MisterB, I have tried you suggestion. But the controls still vanish. pavan.
  2. Thanks MisterB for the reply. I will try that. pavan.
  3. hi all, I have a web page with three list boxes and based on the selection of these i populate the datagrid with a dropdown box in each of the cell. Since I am not sure of the num of cols that the datagrid is going to have untill the selection of 3 listboxes i cannot use template columns. I query the database with the selection, get a table and bind the datagrid with this table. On datagrid's itemdatabound() i add these dropdown boxes in each of the cell of the datagrid. The user could select from the dropdown box and click the submit button. As you all might know when the submit is clicked all the dynamically created controls vanish. Hence I am not able get the user selected values so that i could update the database. i am using C#. I would really appreciate if anyone could help me in this regard. thanks.
  4. hi... I am using excel object in my windows application and use the worksheetfunctions in my vb code. The statement below works fine when run using excel object 11.0 but when i program my application using excel object 9.0 the same statement gives an error saying type mismatch. I think in older version the Covar function has a problem in taking ranges as arguments. dim cl1,cl2 as excel.range dim oxl as excel.application cl1=worksheet1.columns(i) cl2 = worksheet1.Columns(j) statsheet1.Cells(i, j).value = oXL.WorksheetFunction.Covar(cl1.Value, cl2.Value) i would appreciate if anyone could help me figure this one out. thnx
  5. thanx guys..... installing the dotnet framework helped solve my problem.
  6. oh so theres no way i could achieve that..... thanx for giving the infomation....
  7. thankx for the reply shazbots... i have put the exe file windowsapplications.exe on the server and created a link to it on the site. When i downloaded the exe file onto system that has VS, then its working fine. but when I download and try to run the exe file on a system that doesnt have VS, then it says it couldnt initialize properly. i am not sure wats the problem. thnx
  8. hi.. I have created a windowsapplication in VS. I want to put the file on the server and provide a link in the site. I want the users to download the application and run it. In what format should i save the file on the server so that the users could run the application even though they dont have the Visual Studio installed. How should i go about doing this. thnx
  9. hi.. thanx for replying....but i am still lost as wat to do.....i dint get u... the following is the code in aspx page for the datagrid ------------------------------------------------------------------ <asp:datagrid id="datagrid1" runat="server" Visible="False" Font-Names="Verdana" Font-Name="Verdana" HeaderStyle-Font-Bold="True" HeaderStyle-Font-Size="12pt" AlternatingItemStyle-BackColor="#eeeeee" AutoGenerateColumns="False" Width="396px" Height="104px"> <AlternatingItemStyle BackColor="#EEEEEE"></AlternatingItemStyle> <HeaderStyle Font-Size="12pt" Font-Bold="True" ForeColor="White" BackColor="#996600"></HeaderStyle> <Columns> <asp:HyperLinkColumn DataNavigateUrlField="Name" DataTextField="Name" HeaderText="File Name"></asp:HyperLinkColumn> <asp:BoundColumn DataField="LastWriteTime" HeaderText="Last Write Time" DataFormatString="{0:d}"> <ItemStyle HorizontalAlign="Center"></ItemStyle> </asp:BoundColumn> <asp:BoundColumn DataField="Length" HeaderText="File Size" DataFormatString="{0:#,### bytes}"> <ItemStyle HorizontalAlign="Right"></ItemStyle> </asp:BoundColumn> </Columns> </asp:datagrid> ------------------------------------------------------------------ and the followin is the routine which binds the data to the grid wen a button is clicked after a user selects the filenames in a radiolist. ------------------------------------------------------------------ public Sub Button5_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button5.Click Dim dirInfo As New DirectoryInfo(Server.MapPath("../output/")) Dim fname As String fname = RdList1.SelectedItem.Text datagrid1.DataSource = dirInfo.GetFiles(fname) datagrid1.DataBind() End Sub ------------------------------------------------------------------ As you can c the user selected filename in a radiolist is retrieved from the output directory....This whole code is written in a file called gridbind.aspx which is in "programs" directory......wen i run this code,say if the filename is "out.xls"......the url points "project\programs\out.xls" which is incorrect.....it should have been "project\output\out.xls"......so can u explain how should i rectify this.... pavan.
  10. hi all... In my aspx page i need to show the result files in a directory say "output". wat i do is... show these files in a datagrid which is binded dynamically. This datagrid has first column as its hyperlink column containing the filenames.so wen i click on these filenames it should be able to open these files to view. But the problem is my aspx page is in a different folder say "programs". the url on the hyperlinks points to this "programs" directory which is incorrect...it should point to "output" dir .....wat should i do to change the url so that it points to correct url of the files....... and wen i click these links it should open the file. thanx pavan.
  11. thnx for the reply....my array sizes are arnd 50000 by 5(or 10) so if i append these 2 or 3 arrays into one array in the function and then separate those back in the main program.....its going to be a very bulky......isnt there any simpler solution????
  12. hi all... I have to calculate two or three array variables in a function and return all these values to the main program...i know that a function can only return one value and a procedure doesnt return any values.......Is there any way that i could program such that i can return more than one value to the main program??......any help would be appreciated. thanx
  13. maintaining values of the dynamically created textboxes few months back i had to stop working on this problem for some reasons......now this problem is back for me as u said Robby i have created the text boxes.........now i am having problem with getting the values in the textboxes into an array..... this is my code Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click Dim x As Integer Dim y As Integer Dim txt As TextBox For x = 1 To System.Int16.Parse(boxes.Text) Dim mybrl As New System.Web.UI.WebControls.Literal() Panel1.Controls.Add(mybrl) mybrl.Text = "<br/>" For y = 1 To System.Int16.Parse(boxes.Text) txt = New System.Web.UI.WebControls.TextBox() txt.Text = "" txt.ID = "T" + x.ToString() + y.ToString() txt.Width = System.Web.UI.WebControls.Unit.Pixel(25) Panel1.Controls.Add(txt) Next Next End Sub the boxes are created when i click the button "store" the following is called Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click Dim x As Integer Dim y As Integer Dim txtbox As TextBox Dim mdata As Double(,) mdata = New Double(System.Int16.Parse(boxes.Text) - 1, System.Int16.Parse(boxes.Text) - 1) {} For x = 1 To mdata.Length For y = 1 To mdata.Length txtbox.ID = "T" + x.ToString() + y.ToString() mdata(x - 1, y - 1) = txtbox.Text Next Next End Sub I am unable to maintain state for these textboxes......i have read that we need to use viewstate , recreate the textboxes etc. to do this......but i am totally confused how to implement in my program.....can anyone help me write this code..... thanx
  14. thanks for the help...its working now.
  15. thanks for the reply. i tried to implement what you said but i am getting error saying input string is incorrect the following is what i have done. Dim sr As StreamReader = New StreamReader(Server.MapPath("output\ds1.txt")) Dim line As String Dim gtemp As Double line=sr.readline() gtemp = Double.Parse(line)...error is generated for this line. i will restate my problem. i have data like this in my file seperated by tabs 93.3859137565705 56.1665989130272 81.0551783224725 93.3859137565705 56.1665989130272 81.0551783224725 etc now i have to extract each of those numbers by reading from the file and store into an array variable....how should i be proceeding with this. thanx
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