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  • Occupation
    CAD Systems Manager
  • Visual Studio .NET Version
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Newbie (1/14)



  1. I have an existing txt file that I want to open, get the text (which is a number), add 1 to the number and save/close the txt file. Sound like filestream but I'm not sure how to use it. I've founds peices of information but nothing I can use together. Any help out there? Thanks,
  2. I'm not exactly a total newbie, just self taught. Every now and then I get hung up on something because I don't know the programming definition of a word. Is there a site or someplace with a list of definitions? Such as Structure, Class, Enumerated data types... Those are just examples. I don't need help with thoses specifically. Thanks, Bernie
  3. Thanks for the reply marble eater. I found my answer on another forum. Here it is in case you're interested. "Those dialogues are built into VB 2005. Use the methods of the My.Computer.FileSystem object and it will display progress dialogues for you, as though you were drag and dropping in Windows Explorer." My.Computer.FileSystem.CopyFile("c:\0000\MyFile.txt", "c:\temp\MyFile.txt" ,UIOption.AllDialogs)
  4. Anyone else have an idea?
  5. I'm looking for a way to intercept the Windows Print Dialog no matter what program calls it. I want to create a dialog that asks for a project number first and then calls the Windows Print Dialog. I want to create a billing log that will record a project number every time any program attempts to print. The first step is to intercept the Windows Print Dialog. Can anyone help? Thanks.
  6. I'm currently employed as a CAD Sytems Manager. I dabble in VBA and VB. I've written several applications that are used by our firm. However I'm self taught and there are gaps in my knowledge. I'm looking to improve my skills and hopefully get certifed as well. Do you think a boot camp would help me?
  7. Can anyone recommend a good boot camp for MCAD certification? What are your thoughts on boot camps in general? Thanks, Bernie
  8. I want to drag an item in a listbox (that represents a file) into another application. The drop is the easy part since the other application receives dropped files. How do I get started? I've tried the mousemove\DoDragDrop event with no luck. Can anyone help me? Thanks, Bernie
  9. Can anyone recommend a good boot camp for MCAD certification? What are your thoughts on boot camps in general? Thanks, Bernie
  10. Ok thanks. I get that object could contain anything. So the DirectCast is telling the compiler that eventSender is a RadioButton? Is that correct? Thanks, Bernie
  11. Recently I turned option strict on in my new applications. I understand that when its on implicit conversion are not allowed. I also understand that this is a good thing. However I'm getting a few errors that I need to cleanup. Also a good thing. The problem I'm having is that I don't have a good grip on the definitions of Late and Early binding. I have the following event that has a late binding error in the eventSender.Checked portion of my code. Can someone explain this to me in layman's terms? I'd really appreciate it. I've looked it up and still don't get it. Private Sub OptArch_CheckedChanged(ByVal eventSender As System.Object, ByVal eventArgs As System.EventArgs) Handles OptArch.CheckedChanged If eventSender.Checked Then SaveDepart = "Arch" End If End Sub
  12. The second listing (FileSystem.CopyFile(SourceFile, TargetFile, UIOption.AllDialogs, UICancelOption.DoNothing)) eliminates the need to create a messagebox to handle finding out if the file already exists. It also overwrites it if it does. So I was able to remove all the code that handled that previously. Thanks again.... I'll try to be monogamous in the future. :)
  13. Hey Marble_eater! I had the same question on another forum. Your answer works great, but this one has less code. I'm passing it on to you in case you weren't aware of it. The particular section that I'm talking about is the FileCopy section. The UIOption.AllDialogs replaces the need for additonal code to overwrite existing files. Please don't get the worng idea. You know far more about VB.NET than I'll ever know. I'm just trying to pass on some information to someone who's helped me out in the past. Thanks again for all your help. Bernie 'Yours System.IO.File.Copy(OldFilename, NewFilename) 'Other Forum Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileIO FileSystem.CopyFile(SourceFile, TargetFile, UIOption.AllDialogs)
  14. Thanks for the reply. What I'm looking to do is change an image's location base on the cursor's location. Kind of a grap and move thing.
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