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Everything posted by SandyB

  1. Thanks jmp, that helps. And I found that article very interesting. Sandy
  2. I have a datagrid that I use to get data from a table and a multiline textbox, tbdefine, that is used to display one of the columns from this table that I wanted to show separate from the grid. I bound the textbox to the dataview, dv, as follows: Me.tbDefine.DataBindings.Add(New System.Windows.Forms.Binding("Text", Me.dv, "definition")) The definition column shows up in tbDefine when my grid first loads and the first row is highlighted, but when I click on another row in the datagrid the text in the textbox doesn't change. What am I missing? Thanks for your help.
  3. I would think that there should be a way of saying, string representation of datafield like "*something*"
  4. Thanks, Robby. Sorry I haven't replied sooner. I was on vacation. Your solution works OK, except that I am filtering on keystrokes, so the data disappears until I get the entire number typed in. That's why I wanted to use "like".
  5. I'm trying to filter data in a datagrid that can have columns with string and integer datatypes. I can't figure out how to write the filter string using 'like' for the integer columns. I have: Dim sb As New System.Text.StringBuilder sb.Append(dc.DataField + " like '" + dc.FilterText + "*'") ' filter the data DsMasterDetail1.Tables(0).DefaultView.RowFilter = sb.ToString() which works fine for the string columns, but throws an exception when I enter an integer for an integer column. How can I write a filter string that says "convert the value of the integer column data to a string" so that I can filter for characters entered. Thanks
  6. Yes - but I do remember seeing a question about how to get rid of the logon screen when you have an embedded report. Not sure if that was solved. So far, I haven't needed to do that.
  7. Does anyone know if the Component One report designer is better (easier to use) than the Crystal Reports that comes with .net?
  8. In case anyone is interested, it was pretty simple: VB: Dim myReport As New CrystalReport1 myReport.SetDatabaseLogon("userid", "password") CrystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = myReport
  9. No - the prompt has the correct database name and userid and it is prompting for a password.
  10. Thanks, hog - I did find some other postings on this issue. I will try the suggestions there.
  11. I'm not sure. I think it's coming from Crystal because on the top of the login screen it says - Main report. I have another form that retrieves data from the database, but the connect string has all the info so the data is automatically retrieved when the form opens.
  12. I'm trying to develop crystal reports for a VB.NET app. I created a report and added a crystal report viewer to my form in my app. When I run the app and open the form to display the report, a login screen appears to enter a password. Is there a way to by-pass this - i.e. code the user name and password in the viewer?
  13. That doesn't work - I get the error message: Cannot modify the Items collection when the DataSource property is set. I have my controls bound to the data at design time,rather than in code. Do I need to unbind and rebind in the code?
  14. When I load my form, I can set the combobox to show a blank line by writing cbo1.SelectedIndex = -1 But when I need to re-initialize it to blank later, that same code doesn't work. Why not? And how can I set it to nothing again? I also tried cbo1.SelectedItem = Nothing
  15. Yes - you are right. I didn't understand your reply at the time. I'm really new at this. Thanks for your help.
  16. I tried your code in the nwind example. It doesn't seem to work the first time that you click on a header. It looks like it is supposed to sort first, then find k, but it doesn't sort on the first click, only subsequent clicks. Did you find the same thing? Please post your response. I'm new at this and want to learn. In my code, I wanted the 3 comboboxes to always be sorted by their respective columns. I solved it by creating 3 separate dataadapters with 3 separate datasets. I set the valuemember property of all 3 to the same column so that when the user selects a row in one, I set the valuemember of the other 2 and they scroll to their correct locations. This works well. Thanks for your input.
  17. I can't have a table in the dataset multiple times. That's part of my problem.
  18. That's not quite what I was trying to do. The 3 combo boxes represent 3 different columns in a table - same row. I have Name, ID, Alias. I want the user to be able to select by any of these 3 criteria to populate a datagrid that pulls data from a related table in the dataset. In order to use the drop down feature of cboName, cboID, or cboAlias, they all have to be sorted by their respective column.
  19. I have 3 comboboxes on a form that show 3 separate columns from the same table. The sql behind them sorts on the column displayed in combobox1. I want the user to be able to re-sort so that the column displayed in combobox2 is sorted. After they select an item, other data is retrieved. I tried creating 3 separate dataadapters, but can't have multiple instances of the same table in the dataset. Does anyone have any suggestions for solving this? Thanks
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