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Faceless Master

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Everything posted by Faceless Master

  1. You can get alot from http://www.download.com ~Regards FM
  2. hmm..why dont u just encrypt the user input pass to some file and then read from there when ever needed (I) ~Regards FM
  3. Greetings.. I was wondering about that how can we create a toolbar(the one like google toolbar or any other.. Any papers that can help starting from scrath should be of great help.. Thnx in Advance ~Regards FM
  4. Me either..(to reply to this) ~Regards Faceless Master
  5. I think the old one was better and more user friendly. THough this one isnt bad too. ~Regards Faceless Master
  6. UDT = User Defined Datatype . Lol thnx.Got confused. ~Regards Faceless Master
  7. Hi, What exactly is a structure. ~Regards Faceless Master
  8. Cool. Btw-Nice site. ~Regards Faceless Master
  9. hmm..well hope this helps.Coded in Vb6 by me. Function GetAttributes(Filename As String) On Error Resume Next Dim Result As String, Attribte As Long Attribte = GetAttr(Filename) If Attribte And vbHidden Then Result = MsgBox("This program is for Win98", vbExclamation, "Error") ElseIf Dir(Filename) = Empty Then Result = MsgBox("This program is for Win95", vbExclamation, "Error") Else Result = MsgBox("This program is for WinXP", vbExclamation, "Error") End If End End Function Private Sub Form_Load() Call GetAttributes("C:\autoexec.bat") End Sub
  10. Here are a few sites relate dto Game Programming http://www.flipcode.com/tutorials/ http://www.groovyweb.uklinux.net/?page_nam...e%20programming http://www.gmtutorials.cjb.net/ http://www.gametutorials.com/Tutorials/tutorials.htm http://www.gamespp.com/ http://www.gamedeveloper.cwc.net/ http://www.geocities.com/adi8bz/ http://www.ultimategameprogramming.com/ http://www.flipcode.com/tutorials/ http://www.gamasutra.com/ http://www.extremetech.com/category2/0,397...1,644478,00.asp http://nehe.gamedev.net/ http://www.cs.virginia.edu/~gfx/Courses/2002/ http://graphics.stanford.edu/courses/#cs448 Regards ~Faceless Master
  11. There are also some sources on http://www.gotdotnet.com Regards ~Faceless Master
  12. cant say! but y canot u install from CD ?
  13. And here are some off the road http://www.et.utt.ro/public/Docs/ Computer books.... Hardware bible. http://valle.fciencias.unam.mx/libros/ A little of everything http://math.bnu.edu.cn/Ebook/ Programming Unix unleased Mastering windows server 2003 http://users.pandora.be/ids/server/ -----Use Flashget on these links---- Oreilly Java Data Objects http://fj.fixdown.com/fixdown/download1.as...GxG&soft=sxdown Oreilly Dot NET Framework Essentials.3rd.Edition. http://fj.fixdown.com/fixdown/download1.as...Qff&soft=sxdown Sybex Mastering Dreamweaver MX Databases http://fj.fixdown.com/fixdown/download1.as...vfs&soft=sxdown or http://fj.fixdown.com/fixdown/download1.as...vfs&soft=jtdown Addison Wesley Applying Enterprise JavaBeans.2nd.Edition http://fj.fixdown.com/fixdown/download1.as...vfv&soft=sxdown or http://fj.fixdown.com/fixdown/download1.as...vfv&soft=jtdown 50 Fast Dreamweaver MX Techniques http://fj.fixdown.com/fixdown/download1.as...YOQ&soft=sxdown or http://fj.fixdown.com/fixdown/download1.as...YOQ&soft=scdown or http://fj.fixdown.com/fixdown/download1.as...YOQ&soft=jtdown New Riders Photoshop 7.Power.Shortcuts http://fj.fixdown.com/fixdown/download1.as...HfY&soft=sxdown or http://fj.fixdown.com/fixdown/download1.as...HfY&soft=jtdown Oreilly HTML And XHTML.The.Definitive.Guide.5th.Edition.iNT. http://fj.fixdown.com/fixdown/download1.as...NGH&soft=sxdown or http://fj.fixdown.com/fixdown/download1.as...NGH&soft=jtdown or http://fj.fixdown.com/fixdown/download1.as...NGH&soft=scdown Web Security Basics http://fj.fixdown.com/fixdown/download1.as...YON&soft=sxdown or http://fj.fixdown.com/fixdown/download1.as...YON&soft=jtdown Windows Dot NET Server 2003.Domains.And.Active.Directory http://fj.fixdown.com/fixdown/download1.as...xYx&soft=sxdown or http://fj.fixdown.com/fixdown/download1.as...xYx&soft=jtdown Sams MySQL 2nd.Edition http://fj.fixdown.com/fixdown/download1.as...HYY&soft=scdown or http://fj.fixdown.com/fixdown/download1.as...HYY&soft=sxdown Sams Teach Yourself Office Productivity.All.In.One http://fj.fixdown.com/fixdown/download1.as...vsH&soft=sxdown or http://fj.fixdown.com/fixdown/download1.as...vsH&soft=jtdown or http://fj.fixdown.com/fixdown/download1.as...vsH&soft=scdown ------------------------------------------------------- J.r.r. Tolkien Ebooks The Hobbit (plain text) The Hobbit (Word 2000) The Hobbit (Adobe Acrobat 5) ====== The Fellowship Of The Ring (plain text) The Fellowship Of The Ring (Word 2000) The Fellowship Of The Ring (Adobe Acrobat 5) =========== The Two Towers (plain text) The Two Towers (Word 2000) The Two Towers (Adobe Acrobat 5) ============= The Return Of The King (plain text) The Return Of The King (Word 2000) The Return Of The King (Adobe Acrobat 5) http://mongoose.dyndns.org/ebooks/ Addison.Wesley.Sendmail.Performance.Tuning.eBook-LiB Atlas.of.Human.Hair.Microscopic.Characteristics.eBook-EEn Blackpowder.Magazine.vol3.no4-EEn Harry.Potter.Order.Of.The.Phoenix.EBOOK-HiRE Oreilly.Building.Secure.Servers.With.Linux.eBook-LiB PHP_AND_MYSQL_WEB_DEVELOPMENT_2ND_EDITION_EBOOK-SRAQATTAQ Secure.PHP.Development.Building.50.Practical.Applications.Ebook-CORRUPT http://membres.lycos.fr/olvasoterem/ebook/ Apache/ Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems for Engineers.pdf 14- Asp/ - C++/ Criptography/ - Database/ - Delphi/ - Designing Efficient Applications for SQL Server.doc Developing Visio Solutions.pdf Dick, Philip K - The Minority Report (ss) v1.0.rtf Engineering HandBook/ Game programming/ - Java/ Linux/ Lord of the Rings Collection.pdf Matematica e Algoritmos/ MicrosoftFundationClass/ http://webmail.dpi.ufv.br/downloads/livros_tutoriais/ More programming books http://docs.msfree.ca/ebooks/ Progamming http://mail.salesiano-ata.br/marcelo/Eng.software/ art_of_war.pdf nostradamus.pdf zen_and_the_martial_. http://www.sit.wisc.edu/~wrhenika/Books/ IT Security Cookbook: http://www.boran.com/security/ free security books ...linux books .. XML .... http://www.allfreetech.com/ ( need to register) ( free) ftp://ftp.sybex.com/2939/2939c04.pdf (linux security book) ( pdf format ) http://www.123aspx.com/directory.aspx?dir=187 (61 books on microsoft) http://www.vbip.com/resources/books/default.asp (visual basic internet programming)
  14. here are some http://www.flipcode.com/tutorials/ http://www.groovyweb.uklinux.net/?page_nam...e%20programming http://www.gmtutorials.cjb.net/ http://www.gametutorials.com/Tutorials/tutorials.htm http://www.gamespp.com/ http://www.gamedeveloper.cwc.net/ http://www.geocities.com/adi8bz/ http://www.ultimategameprogramming.com/ http://www.flipcode.com/tutorials/ http://www.gamasutra.com/ http://www.extremetech.com/category2/0,397...1,644478,00.asp http://nehe.gamedev.net/ http://www.cs.virginia.edu/~gfx/Courses/2002/ http://graphics.stanford.edu/courses/#cs448
  15. Err.. I forgot to tell u next Just In the form load put OleDbDataAdapter1.Fill(Dataset1) Replace DataSet1 with your dataset instance! :) If you do any changes to database you can save by using the Update method OleDbDataAdapter1.Update(Dataset1)
  16. Hi I m also new to this but i think i can tell u another way of doing this stuff Step 1: Create a demo mdb database Step 2: Drag an OleDataAdapter to the form A wizard will start Just hit back and select from the drivers list Microsoft Jet Driver4.0 Then Click On the Next Tab and browse to the mdb database Test The connection and hit OK Next use the query builder and click the fields u want to include in the dataset.Hit Finish Then from the Data Menu from Vs.NET IDE click on Generate DataSet. A new window will appear Click on Add this dataset to the designer and click on Finish or ok button The next step is to drag a Datagird Control on the form and then Set its Data Source property to the dataset and data member property to the mdb table you want to get info from Click on build soultion and bam(its done ) :) Hope it helps! C ya
  17. Asalalm-0-alikum Fadi Here is the error Server Error in '/MyWebProjects/WpDataAccess' Application. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Microsoft Jet database engine cannot open the file 'C:\Documents and Settings\Makhzumi\My Documents\crew.mdb'. It is already opened exclusively by another user, or you need permission to view its data. I am the administrator Dont knw y getting this error!
  18. Here it is!wpdataaccess.zip
  19. Here it is! Here is the source(attached) with database included(24Kb only) wpdataaccess.zip
  20. Hi I m having problem displaying my mdb database into a DataGird in ASP.NET. When i make a simple window application i dont see any problem The line of code that gives error is oleDbDataAdapter1.Fill(dataSet11);
  21. Hi, how can i show random alphabats in a text box ? Regards Faceless Master
  22. yes u r right!
  23. well you need to give the Path to HTML File not swf! Just Set the properties using the properties window; specify the HTML file and the SWF file
  24. COol ; Well sounds nice! now is there any relationship between delegates and threading bcoz you can also call functions with delegats????????
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