Hi there,
we are having a hard time with <TAB>bing in our application. We are developing with VB.NET 2002, Framework 1.0.
We did set the tab-sequence with corresponding feature the IDE.
First - when the user clicks into a textbox, say it's the fifth control on the current form - and then presses <TAB>, tabbing will start at the "beginning" of the form. I would rather expect it to continue at the current cursor position. Weird.
Second - in many cases we place user defined complex controls on the form at runtime. Apparently, they are not correctly recognized because the cursor jumps in a really awkward way. Weird.
Our users, however, demand an application that is 100% "keyboard usable". Now we're in trouble.
Has anyone else experienced something the like ?
Any embarrassing basic stuff that we simpy overlooked ?
Any help / hint is appreciated.